Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Poker vs. Addiction

So I just won a poker game. 50 Bucks! I played for 4 hours. so I made 12 dollars an hour. If I could do that all the time then it would be a profession. Hell Yeah! So i really like poker, so much that it sometimes becomes bad for me to play. I would say in the last year I have lost 100 dollars playing poker. That isn't bad, and I know it could be a lot worse, but it's still 100 dollars. That's a 1 way ticket to New York, or 4 tanks of gas. Man!

Speaking of addiction, I came across this pic on the web yesterday:

At first I was almost sick, then I couldn't stop thinking about it. I emailed it to my friend Rich, whom I live and work with. He said that it brought to mind an addict that could no longer use their arms, legs or anything to inject the drug.

This makes since to me. I find the picture in some way beautiful. I know you are tinking "Creepy" but think about it. Post you oppinions in the Comment section. I welcome them all.

Also Holly is a real cool girl! Check out her blog:

She is way cool, and one of my favorite people. Lots of love for Holly!

Also Danielle is a way amazing chick that should be on everyones must call list:

Go say hi to her. I will try and add all my friends blogs to my friend list. I'll even post a link to it whenever I say their name. So yeah...

Thats all for now...

NOTE **** Gustavo won the guess the lyrics contest, well sort of contest ****
He Googled the Lyrics. But he likes the song. Jenna came in close second, but I think that is all the people that actually look at my blog. lol Well you two "ROCK!"

3 Responses to “Poker vs. Addiction”

  1. # Blogger Kr5is

    That is cool. Sort of Creepy, but cool!  

  2. # Blogger famousjay

    You guys are both strange, and I adore you for it. I love how we all think we're so deep. :) Of course we are!! I'm gonna go eat some almonds.  

  3. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    Wow!! When I first read this post, I was at work, so I didn't get to see the picture. It's creepy, but true. I know a guy who's a coke-head and I think it's gonna get him one way or another... I haven't seen him in weeks, and he doesn't try to get me to buy him beer or liquor anymore, so I hope he's doing well.  

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  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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