Kr5istofer's Thoughts


So I have been putting a lot of thought into driving out to Utah tonight, but I can't leave here till like 6 which wouldn't get me there till like 1 or 2. So maybe I'll have to skip that idea. I just wanted to do something random, so instead I'm going to a totally hip Mormon party in Larkspur. I can't wait for the root beer chugging contests, the testimony card games, and the tonz of ugly gir... wait I mean sweet spirits to get to know. Yep, this is the life. All sarcasm aside I am excited to go and chill with people. My cousin and I are planning to bring our guitars and attempt an 'intentional acoustic romanticism' on the ladies. Trust me they are not all sweet spirits here in Colorado. I think Playboy rated CU as the second hottest campus in the nation, aside from BYU. I have only been told that, and that was from a guy that worked with me at X96 who I'm sure had a subscription to said magazine, so the credibility check is good as far as I'm concerned. I hope to have a good time, one of my friends that is chilling with us tonight is moving to Provo next weekend, I'm gonna miss that kid. He is the kind of friend that looks out for everyone. I am trying to get him hooked up to live in a house that I used to live in with a bunch of my friends in Provo, that way when I move back I'll have a place to live. I hope to not get kicked out by the city again. I have been reminded of that house a lot lately, good times were had there. The girl I dated while living there called me on Wednesday and told me that she was in Denver. I got to see her for a few hours last night which was nice. It was real good to see a face of someone I knew back there in my apartment. I have met a few people in the singles ward lately that are cool, and it's easier to go to activities when 12 people say, "hey Kr5is." Cue subject change NOW! I'm sending my guitar to Idaho with my cousin. He plays in a band in Rexberg where he goes to school, but he doesn't own a guitar. He is the lead singer and plays a lot of rhythm guitar for them, and is sick of using a crappy amp and axe. So I told him he could borrow mine. I have a 1/4 stack solid state amp, the name escapes me, that can definitely do the job of a 1/2 stack Marshall any day. I don't think I ever ran it over 3 on the master volume knob and I was still always loud when I played with Steve. I don't want Cody to try and have a successful band with a practice amp to play on, and it can be used properly instead of at a very low volume in my apartment. You can hear the strings rub on the fret board louder then the amp, and that is a travesty, almost blasphemy. So yeah, things are good, and I'm feeling very anxious about moving to Utah again. I can't wait till it's almost summer so I can work outdoor at an amphitheater and be care free for a little while longer.

4 Responses to “Temptations...”

  1. # Blogger HollyAnn

    So, seriously, BYU is Playboy's hottest campus?

    .....dude. They wish they all could be H0lly.

    Oh Trevor.. I mean, Oh Kr5is... I pine for you!  

  2. # Blogger Gubi

    I have some questions for you..
    When are you planning on comming back to Utah? Is there any conditions that have to be met before returning?(Such as getting rehired at Dentr!x?)  

  3. # Blogger Carpe Noctum

    I'm glad you're coming back to UT. You're more solid than you give yourself credit for.

    -Half the people you know are below average.  

  4. # Blogger Spinch

    But... but... I LIKE rootbeer chugging contests. Moreso than real beer chugging ones.

    In all seriousness, I'm glad that there are Good Things™ happening, and I still need to get out there and visit.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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