Kr5istofer's Thoughts


So I have tried twice unsuccessfully to do another voice post, both of which failed to post on the blog and have been lost in the 1 and 0 jungle of cyberspace. I can't remember what I really said in them, they were usually late at night because calls are free then and I want to avoid another $100 phone bill.

If you could have heard what I posted last night you would know that I am in sexy voice mode. You know the kind of voice that you have when you wake up in the morning. It's usually a lot deeper and it's only there till you get half way though your shower. Well not me, I feel great lately, but my allergies have been kicking my ass and I have had a stuffed nose for a few days now. That is the only draw back, the good side effects are that people keep thinking I'm sick and they don't usually ask me to do a lot. That and my voice is permanently in the deep sexy voice mode. I have had girls practically tripping over themselves when I say 'Hey'. I know that it will only last until the mold level drops in this great state of Colorado, but it sure is fun. If anyone wants to make out with a sexy voice guy then you can email me using the link at the top of my blog. It's not that hard, and my standards aren't what they used to be so don't be shy. I'll even send you a sample of my voice if you want.

Next week will mark the 7 month anniversary of my move to Colorado, and oddly enough it will probably be my 7 month count down to moving back to Utah. I plan to move back at the beginning of May. I know I have said January or the spring to a lot of people, but that is the last monthly lease payment I will have to make and then I can bolt. I want to work full time somewhere for the summer and then forget all my troubles and go to school full time with maybe a part time gig. My truck will be paid off, and the only bills I will have are phone insurance and rent. I think I can handle that on a part time job.

I'm growing more and more weary of some situations I have found myself in here in Colorado, and I don't really want to say too much because I don't know how to explain it to the people involved. It's nothing bad for those of you that worry, I'm just trying to figure something out and see if I'm just being the a-typical Kr5is. I have been active almost 100% for a month now in the church. The only exception is my trip to Utah where I sort of just chilled with Jenna instead of going to church. But I have had a lot of things in my life pull me in one direction and then the other as far as my belief in the LDS church goes. I'm happy to share with you if you want, I'm just not sure I want to open a religious discussion on my blog. E-mail me if you care to know:

I am well though. I'm trying to write some more material for Steve's songs I hit a bad wall there for a while and I couldn't really come up with anything worthy. I am writing a lot of new riffs lately. I wrote a wicked one just before I went to Utah, it's sort of AFI meets Coheed and Cambria meets Thrice. I really like it, and I want to jam with a band to feel out the rest of it. My writing process has changed a lot lately, I have been coming up with new sounds in my head then try to get them out on my guitar. My neighbors must hate me. Last night I was taking a bath trying to get my nose to un-plug. I had a candle lit and I was listening to a Sigur Ros album in the dark, which is one of my favorite things to do. I had all this stuff come to me but I couldn't get it out cause it was midnight and I'm positive my neighbors would have thrown a fit if my electric guitar was making some weird sounds that time of night. I saw my uncles band play on Friday at a bar here in town and it made me remember the few shows that I played with my band Valence. I had good times, and as far as I could tell so did the crowd. I just want to play again, it's killing me to not do something with that talent.

By the way I am the iPod F***ing King! I fixed mine with a little tough love. I think it was the only thing I have ever fixed by slamming it on a table. I could hear that the hard drive inside was not spinning or was locked somehow, so I slammed it flat on the back of the iPod and then the main menu came up. I formatted my iPod which I haven't done since April and loaded the new update on it. It sees to be doing great now. I just needed to call it names and treat it like my biyotch for a while. It likes it when I talk dirty.

2 Responses to “Grr..Arr...”

  1. # Blogger Mydinger

    Great post as always.  

  2. # Blogger Spinch

    5 (to the Ipod): SAY YOU LIKE IT! SAY YOU LIKE IT!

    Lil' Kris: I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT!  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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