Kr5istofer's Thoughts

So this is what's up.


I'm reading Harry Potter right now, and someone has already spoiled the ending for me. I'm not too pissed off about that. I still enjoy reading the book. I have about 9 more chapters to go. The recording has pretty much halted. Rex the guy who is engineering our CD is busy with work, and it is hard to find time for us all to get together. While it has halted what we have done so far sounds brilliant! I can't wait for it to be done. I had an odd experience last night. I went to buy a new CD, and I couldn't find one worth buying to me. So I bought some movies. I think I'm content with what I have now. Our Lady Peace will have a new album out soon, and I plan on getting it, but I think that modern music isn't pleasing to me anymore. My friend Lee called me the other day and said, "if you don't do something with your music, I will kick you ass. You're shit is too good to go unnoticed." That felt good, maybe I could be on the next wave of popular rock. Maybe my music is good, maybe my dream is possible. I'm feeling generally better too, while my friends are still doing other things, I think I have found a balance with most of them. I don't feel so alone as far as friends go. My bishop called the other day and said that he was told to call me. He is so cool. I need to be a lot more in tune with my spirituality. I need to start reading my scriptures more, and I need to open up to God more. Anyway, that is another post all together. I'm noticing a lot about the opposite sex lately. How they treat me when I'm around has been a lot better, maybe because I'm less defensive lately. People are starting conversations with me, and have a genuine interest in who I am. This is cool... Really cool! I need to have my suit pressed so maybe I can go to the Men's Warehouse and finally have courage enough to ask that girl out that was very flirtatious with me when I bought it. Holy crap that is scary! I also have decided to actually work on the goals that I have for myself and not wait for them to happen. They never will if I don't do it. A lot is going to change for me, but I know that it is for the better.... Well now that I have talked in circles I'll be done now.

2 Responses to “So this is what's up.”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "if you don't do something with your music, I will kick your ass..."


    As for asking 'the girl' out... P O S T more!
    - Brandon Doyle  

  2. # Blogger Aubstar


    Have I ever told you how much I love you? You are the best older brother that anyone could ask for. Go ask that chick out, read your scriptures, and for the love of all that's lovable do something with your music. You are awesome, man, and I hope you know that.

    I love you, you rock!


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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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