Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Steve Miller and Google...

Nothing really dramatic to post on... I realized while reading through my old posts that I post a lot of emotional stuff and ignore the small things that I do. I got tickets to see the Steve Miller Band for next weekend. 14th row baby! I'm going to go and get so buzzed from all the second hand pot. I love jam bands like that though, and I have always been curious as to why so many people love them, and would pay 50 dollars to see them. I think it will be fun. It's going to be my first concert of the summer. The weekend after that is Warped Tour... I can't wait to go and chill with some of my favorite bands. Debbie and James scored me a backstage pass to the show. Fun?... Oh yes...

Google released a really cool new program yesterday called Google Earth. You can download it and check it out.
I went and saw my childhood home the other day, and it was freaking sweet! I'm going to try and download the building feature so I can fly through Denver, Salt Lake, and all sorts of cool places. Everyone should play with it. Join the dark side and help Google take over the world.

I had rehearsal last night. It was cool. We were still a little off, but I think if we can rest and get together on Thursday it will be a lot better. I want to book a show soon! I need to call Sam (our bassist) and see if he has any contacts for another band to play that night. It's going to rock! Our new song (which does not have a name yet) is so f***ing good, and has a very good vibe to it. The lyrics are a little creepy, but it all fits together nicely. I can't wait for you all to hear it. I need to play a show soon!!!!

That is all for now. Maybe I'll post some screen shots of the Google thing later.

1 Responses to “Steve Miller and Google...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Google halted downloads. I guess after the word on Slashdot, the resonance spread faster than even Google anticipated. Cool stuff!

    I myself have decided to be the "self appointed number one fan" of a rumored Google OS. I see that is available. Hmm...
    - Brandon Doyle  

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  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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