Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Weekend Update

I had an overall great weekend! Let me tell you from the top. On Friday at work I was able to sit with my friends on another desk. It was very nice and helpful to be able to do that, I felt like part of the department. I had sat alone all week on my side of the wall while Ryan was in the hospital, and Luke took a week off. After work I went to dinner with Jeff and Jenna at Los Hermonos, where I ran into Bryan and Katie. It was cool to see them, not to mention spend time with Jeff. I then went to Rich's house and installed Windows XP for him. His new compy is so cool! Afterwards Christena called me, and invited me over to her apartment. I went over and listened to her complain about her guy problems. We went to Coldstone and I bought her some Ice Cream in hopes to make her feel better. She then said, "why did I ever let you go?" I didn't respond. It was hard enough to push away the old feelings. I tried to keep it platonic. I succeeded. We went back to her place and talked some more. She asked me why I'm still Mormon, which sort of caught me off guard. I told her the truth. While I still have a lot of questions about the validity of my faith this is the only church on the face of the earth that has all the factors that I believe. Jesus Christ, Eternal Life, and Modern Revelation. I think I even said, "it's got the best retirement plan." We laughed about it and then it was over. I wish she could see what and who she is. She is the reason I didn't leave the church in high school, and she taught me so much about it. She then propositioned me, which was awkward, I played dumb and somehow avoided answering which would have offended her. She then said something about living in a BYU approved complex. I was proud of myself for not being so tempted that I could leave. She then kissed me and I left, while it was now 11:30 my Friday night was not over yet! I went to meet up with Jenna, Danielle, Baker and Shawna. They were finishing watching Oscar and then we put some Ideas in a bowl and we drew them out to see what we could do. First we picked Danielle's idea. We went and bought some bubble gum. We had to put the whole pack in our mouths and try and chew it the longest. Cool! So then we went to a park and played hopping tag on a playground. That was a lot of fun. After that we went up the canyon and set off some fireworks till the cops came, they told me that they didn't want a fire. We stopped and went to find a swimming pool to jump into, but no luck. That was a cool Friday! Saturday was cool. I went to the recording studio and recorded more of my album. I did some of my Scream tracks. That hurt! Then the computer locked up and we had to do them again. So twice I ruined my voice. We began messing around with some filters and effects in pro tools to get the drums to sound good. It's going to be awesome! After that I went up the canyon with Jeff, Jenna, and Danielle. We went to our friends Condo up in Midway. This time was more relaxing than anything. We watched Spanglish, which I had a hard time with. Mostly because I could see the characters and their personalities in my life. I hated watching the mother in that movie. She was a combination of two people that I know, and she was all the qualities I dislike in those people. I didn't like how the movie ended too. It made me feel helpless to be happy because I sort of put myself in the shoes of the father in that movie. I don't argue or speak my mind in hopes that it would be better for everyone if I just try and make everyone else happy. He didn't end up happy, nor will he ever. Is this me? So I left the condo and went home full of thought. I needed to go to church the next morning, which I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to go and be spiritual. I needed to clear my head. So I went golfing with Scott from work. I sucked, but it was my first time actually golfing. It was nice to get out and so something like that. I got way to over heated though, and I didn't feel good the rest of the day. I went home and slept till Jenna called me to go play settlers with Baker and Shawna. I had a blast with them, and so my weekend came to a good end. This was one of my better weekends of all time.

1 Responses to “Weekend Update”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Wow Kris. You have a ton of energy. After leaving Christenas' apartment, I would've been tapped out on physical and emotional energy for the rest of the month.

    It sounds like you work hard and play even harder. I'm glad you are having fun.

    I bet Scott is as big a character as ever. The only time I hear golf is from his mouth.
    - Brandon Doyle  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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