Kr5istofer's Thoughts


I am in some trouble...

I can't do 2 jobs and school, and try and stay alive. I'm slowly wearing down, but I need the extra money, so should I wait till next semester when things are a bit more calm? I have so much I need and want to do that it's not funny. I want to go to Colorado, I want to buy a new guitar, I want to go buy new clothes, and even a different car. But that will all have to wait. I have to pay some debt down first. I have earned a lot of debt trying to get into school and affording my rock and roll lifestyle, which hasn't been so rock and roll lately.
So last night at my second job I ran into my best friends sister. It was real nice to see her, and that is where my dilemma is. My friend has always told me that he thought his sister and I should date, but I never thought much of it because she is almost 2 years older than me, but as old as we are I think the age lines are disappearing. She seemed genuinely interested in me as a person, and I couldn't help but feel like she wanted me to ask her out. I mean she was at a musical all by herself, and seemed like she was happy to see someone she knew. I'm a wuss and didn't ask her out for many reasons. She has had a hard time with guys in the past, she is VERY Mormon, and not that there is anything wrong with that, but I'm not the greatest member of the Mormon church right now, I have a lot I'm working on. She is so awesome, and said that I should come to their house more often. I donno, that is an exciting thing, but I don't know how to approach it. I wonder if my friend would freak out if I dated his sister. He knows about my past, and knows about my desires to fix it, but whatever, I tend to worry too much.

Anyway... All for now.

2 Responses to “Um...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You mean you don't have enough money to go around? < scratches head > Wow. That sounds like a pretty unique situation. ;)

    For me, I pay my mortgage each month; because my home is quite tangible. They could easily take that away from me. ... As for my other creditors, eh... they get paid when they get paid.

    And choosing between heat and food... yeah, I've been there a few times.

    That sounds like a crazy life Kr5is. Working two jobs is hard. It will really mess with you. Good luck. Have a fun weekend.

  2. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    I hear you one-hundred and ten percent, and then some. I loath the dating scene in a way. If things keep on going this way, I'll just stay celebate for the rest of this life, but I hate being alone worse than I hate the dating scene.

    About being Mormon, I hear that, too. I'm VERY rough around the edges, as you know, and I really have a hard time justifying my actions with my beliefs, especially when it comes to dating girls I think might be really good Mormons... Whatever, though, we all do the best we can, I suppose.  

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