Kr5istofer's Thoughts

So here is what's up...

On Thursday Spin and I took off from Utah at about 4:00 PM and arrived in Vegas at about 8:00 PM Vegas time. We went straight to the Hard Rock Casino, and found a parking spot. I was so excited I could hardly sit still. We booked it to the Joint where Sigur Ros was playing, and found our seats. Amina was already playing, I wish I had seen their entire set. They had a lot of awesome songs that they crafted with some cool instruments. Nothing I haven't seen before, but none the less good. At the Hard Rock Joint the seats near the front are like Sardine cans, we were shoulder to shoulder, and it was uncomfortable. I hoped that when Sigur Ros came on the crowd would stand, but no, they didn't. However when Sigur Ros did come on it was amazing.

They played almost everything I wanted to hear, and completely spellbound me. I almost cried when they played some of the songs that reminded me of times with Sarah, and other people I attached these songs too. My words are a plague to how awesome this show was.

After the show Spin and I went and stayed at his parent's house. His parents are so cool, and are excellent hosts. They are so nice. The next day we went and got settled in the apartment that Spin's parents arranged for us. It was nice, in an awesome part of town. Rent there is only $1,100 a month for a 2 bedroom place. It has a gate! I have always wanted to live in a place with a gate. We went to the Ren Fair that day too, which was cool. I have never been to a place like that, and I bought a hat. I like hats. Jenna and Jeff met up with us later that night, it was cool to have them drive down and meet us. I went to the store and bought food for everyone. Jenna and Spin cooked dinner. It was awesome. Sleep was very welcome though. On Saturday we went downtown and saw some of the places on the strip. We got ice cream from the Bellagio, and sort of just played around there. The Eiffel tower in Vegas was closed because of the wind, apparently you are not supposed to build towers because the wind might blow it down! That sucked, but we then went to Freemont street where I bought a few poker chips from the Horseshoe, but I don't think that is the name still. We then played some black jack at Suncoast, I lost $40 and had a blast. After that we ate at the Melting Pot, holy crap what a good place to eat. Spin's parents both work for them, and were awesome enough to comp our meal, which should have broke us! I want to go there again.

The next day we ate at the Mirage where they served a Champagne Brunch. $20 for the best buffet I have ever had! I plan to go back to that buffet every time I am in Vegas. That is about it for the trip, I had a good break. I'm still realizing how inadequate I am to the people around me every day, I'm seeing all the time that the interests my friend have nothing to do with me at all. They don't call me anymore, and if they do it's usually for something I can help them with.

I'll never fit with you will I? I'm just here to serve some meaningless purpose, and you're okay with that?

3 Responses to “So here is what's up...”

  1. # Blogger BattleCat

    you're adequate just by being yourself. I think of myself as an enriched person just by having known you. If I was in the same state, we would hang out.....and I dont call because I owe $190 on my phone bill. CHEER UP DORK!!!  

  2. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    Too cool.  

  3. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    (Too cool.) Meaning, that trip sounded awesome!  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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