Kr5istofer's Thoughts

So here is what not to do with your week.

So the last I posted I was feeling pretty good, then a lot of stuff happened, and I'm not feeling so confident in much anymore. I mean things are good, but I'm just not who I am supposed to be, and who I'm supposed to be isn't anybody interesting at all? Am I doomed to be a weirdo? Let me tell you about my week:

Class on Monday was cool. I got my work done, I need to do a lot of homework tonight cause I missed class on Wednesday. After school I went and picked up my Grandpa's Reel to Reel player. After that I think I had some ice cream with Shawnna and Jenna, then went to Rich's house and played Halo, I don't remember, things before Wednesday are a bit hazy, on Tuesday Rochelle came over to my house and we started recording Reel to Reel stuff to my computer for her family history. It was cool to do that sort of thing again. I don't remember what I did after that. Man that sucks!... Wednesday was so much fun. Work sucked, but whatever... I got to chill with Krista that night, we went to see Thrice at In The Venue. A band called Veda opened for them also Underoath, and The Bled. The Bled were really good, but I don't know if it was the alcohol or the music. Krista took it upon herself to get me drunk, and she succeeded. I hadn't had anything to drink for a long time, and I was weak. She managed to get Half a pitcher of beer, 2 twenty ounce Long Islands, and a Red Bull with Vodka in me. I could feel it for sure. Thrice came on, I remember the first song, and I remember feeling like I was stupid cause I was too drunk to see one of my favorite bands. I have never been drunk like that before, I don't like it, and I plan to do all I can to not do that again. I remember a few of the songs from the show, which were awesome! After that I was too drunk to drive home, so Krista had me crash with her till about 3 AM. I drove home, and ran into my Mom who was up in the kitchen getting my dad's lunch ready. I went to bed Got up at 6 and went to work. I was so hung over it wasn't funny! I bought some Excedrin, and rich gave me a sandwich cause he said his dad taught him that. That totally helped, and I felt a lot better all day. I managed to tell Jenna about it, which was hard, I don't like disappointing my friends, family or God, but for some reason it was the hardest to tell her. I want to start writing music again, especially with Jenna, the band Vega inspired me to start again, but I'm sort of in a slump of song writing right now. Friday was acoustic night, I invited about 15 people to come see me play, but only Rich and his wife made it. That meant a lot, but it just depressed me. It sort of felt like my friend drew the like as to how much they care for me. I realize now that I didn't invite a few people, and I'm sorry if I forgot, but still. Steve, Sam, Brian and I took off up the canyon and built a fire. Some creepy guy jumped out of the bushes at us asking us if "Pheobie" was with us. We were a bunch of guys and this dude was asking us about a girl. He went on his way, and we tried to get a fire going. Soon a group of people showed up and helped us start a fire, had they not come we would have had our boy scout status revoked. We couldn't start a fire to save our lives. After a while a lot of people were there, and every time someone new came in we asked of the girls if she was Pheobie. After about 10 girls someone said yes, and that creepy guy was behind her. That was weird. Anyway, Saturday I knew I was going to have a fight with Jenna, so I avoided it as long as possible and went to Salt Lake with Rich and Rochelle. We just walked around for a while and chilled, then I went home. Sure enough I had a fight with my best friend, which was weird to do so. I don't like being that out of control of my composure. I get too emotional sometimes I guess, and don't see everything. After that I felt okay again with things, and then had an awesome time playing the sign game with some of Jenna's friends. So the moral of the story is...

1) Don't get drunk on a Wednesday, if even at all. Especially when one of your favorite bands is playing.
2) Don't expect people to understand how you need to be supported ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever...ever.
3) Don't blindly get upset with your best friend.
4) Don't try and sneeze while plugging your nose, it hurts your ears, and feels like your eyes are going to pop out.

2 Responses to “So here is what not to do with your week.”

  1. # Blogger ZackHarrison

    Hey Kris,
    I know that you didn't want me to read this but you sparked my curiousity. I can't relate to most of this but the part about your friends and best friend. Many of my friends over the past few years have been like that. I had a best friend last year, we got into a big fight over a disagreement and we haven't talked much since.
    Kris I want you to know how much I look up to you and respect you. You are my older brother and you have taught me so many things that I will use through the rest of my life.
    I know that I'm not much. I'm just your little brother but if you ever need to confide in someone that you can trust and loves you, just come to me.

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    << 4) Don't try and sneeze while plugging your nose, it hurts your ears, and feels like your eyes are going to pop out.

    Yes. And never interrupt a guy when he is peeing. Let him finish first. I'm just sayin'...  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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