Kr5istofer's Thoughts


Okay so I haven't Posted anything of worth for about 2 weeks. I really haven't had anything to write about. I'm not really feeling anything lately. A lot of cool things have happened, but I don't feel anything. I'm just sort of like, Meh...

So I'll give you a list of a few things that have happened. I have been talking to my bishop and going to church regularly. He said that I should be able to take the sacrament soon, I just have to have good church attendance and the other usuals (pray, read, etc). We'll see where it goes. I have made a new friend named Jason who is cool. He is a photographer, and his wife just divorced him. Lame! So we have been hanging out and watching movies. His photography will be on display at a gallery here in town next month. I think I'll buy a photo and hang it in the apartment. However I need to work on that non homosexual image. I think some people are seriously wondering. This last weekend my brother and sister, Zach and Aubrey, flew out here and stayed with me for a few days. On Friday I had my cousins over for a Halo party, we played till 12AM, which was an early stop for a Halo gathering. We played some fun games like 4 way CTF Sniper. That game went forever. Or 4 way SWAT Neutral Flag. The games were long! The next day like 10 people went to Six Flags, and it just happened to be the hottest day of the year in Denver. 102 degrees and 15% humidity. It was hot, and sweaty, but we still had fun. I didn't feel sick on the Mind Eraser, but I still managed to yell so loud that I lost my voice. It would be a great rock star scream if I could ever reproduce it in a studio. That night Steve and McCall stayed at my house, they were on the way back to Utah from a trip to D.C. and NYC. It was so good to see them and be able to return the hospitality they always showed me. We did however have the worst Wendy's experience ever, and then I had another one today. No more Wendy's for me. The next day we went to a breakfast place in Denver and met Brian a friend that moved to Denver last fall. We chilled and then I had to go. But seeing them in my home town made my weekend. After that I took Aubrey and Zach to Pueblo to chill with my grandpa. He gave me a lamp for my bedroom so I don't have to try and get ready for bed with the light of my closet. I had a busy Monday and work week too. The cool thing is I got my company car, not truck, car. It's a Dodge Intrepid with AC, CD, leather seats, sunroof, 4dr, power everything and you can control the stereo with buttons on the back of the steering wheel. Pretty cool. Other then that, not much new. I think I mentioned my new computer if not it's a AMD 3700 64. 1GB of ram and a 160 GB SATA drive... oh and physics chip. But I don't play games, and a lot of it I'm sure is going to waste. However my totally wicked object dock is as smooth as can be. I setup my old computer as a media box and play movies off it now, and I put a Viper V card in it today in hopes to somehow make it work like a DVR. I need to find a program that will talk to that chipset and control the device. So yeah that's it. I don't feel like being to talkative about what I feel. I wrote a new song and I like it, and everyone should check out the new Killers song that they are playing on the radio. It's pretty good. Plus Muse is playing on Monday here and I want to go, but again nobody to take that appreciates it like I do.

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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