Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Weekend update....

Well my weekend is half over. I enjoy having 4 day weekends especially when I'm paid for 2 days. On Friday I worked all over the place, but it was worth it knowing that I had a long weekend ahead. On Saturday I went to the Denver Zoo with a bunch of people. I haven't been there since I was a kid. It still had all the exhibits that I loved. The polar bear exhibit is awesome because you can watch them like you normally do but then you can do down some stairs and see them through some glass swimming in the water. There were a lot of cool new things there too, sadly no Liger. (Sorry Mat) I took some video footage of Dave trying to rap a song about the zoo. Something like G-O-T-O The Denver Z-O-O it was cool. I had fun, I wish some of you were there too.

I couldn't help but remember when I went to the Zoo in Utah. I went with Keeli, Lee (Dentrix Support's SHPR Dude), Bryan Inks, Debbie, Stacy, and Kevin, (Flash as I call him, and BattleCat on the blogosphere). Flash had broken his back in an incident at the theater we worked at, but he was recovering well, all while wearing this awesome man-corset. We were on the way there at an intersection in SLC on 4th South, and we happened to be the first car at the stop light. I had been yelling "We're going to the zoo!" all day. So when we stopped, Flash, corset and all, opened his door, the rear drivers side door, and began to run around the car yelling, "We're going to the zoo!" Flash had began running around the car counter clockwise, and right when he was making his way up the passenger side Bryan thought it would be a good idea to do it too. However Bryan didn't know where Flash was, and when he opened his door Flash, broken back and all, slammed full speed into the door. Somehow he ended up face down on the hood of the car. He stood up and continued to painfully say "we're going to the zoo" as he now limped around the car. Everyone was laughing that he continued to say that. The cars around us were laughing too, and the guy in the car next to us was laughing so hard he was was crying . Flash was okay, no need to worry, but this story has been one of my favorites to tell about one of my awesome friends. Man he and I had some good times.

Anyway back to my weekend... On Sunday I wasn't feeling too spiritual, so I didn't go to church, but I did play Halo, which is spiritual enough. I did laundry, and sort of straightened up the place. I invited the people I hang out with over to watch R.E.N.T. on Pay Per View. I haven't seen that movie, not because of not wanting to, mostly because I haven't really gone to movies that much in the last year. I think I can count them all on one hand. I highly recommend this film. I saw the national tour of it in 2000 or 2001 sometime. It was amazing on stage, but even better on film. Christopher Columbus couldn't use a John Williams score which was good, and it didn't seem like his usual childish crap he does. I liked the first two Harry Potter films, but I hated his direction style. Most of the characters in the movie are played by the original Broadway cast members, and they looked so comfortable in the roles. WATCH IT! Everyone left except Miranda, and we watched Not Another Teen Movie un-cut on Comedy Central till we fell asleep. It was a good couple of days. I will post pictures and a video as soon as I get my camera back from Dave's house. I'm going to Six Flags and a Soccer game tomorrow. I'm excited so scream and cry like a girl when I go on that one ride that drops you from the top of the tower. Apparently that is what I do.

4 Responses to “Weekend update....”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    "I'm excited so scream and cry like a girl"

    It's true. I was there.

    Sorry 5, not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. :)  

  2. # Blogger Kr5is

    LOL aparrently not. And I didn't scream like a girl, more like male lesbian. LOL  

  3. # Blogger Gubi

    That sounds awesome man. Hope that you had a great weekend. Mine was pretty good to, but I didnt go to a soccer game or anything. Just a bunch of mountians and water in my weekend. If you want, check it out.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Man, that day in SLC was a blast. I almost felt bad for hitting Kevin with the door, but then I started laughing and forgot to feel bad.


    He's home in a month, you know?


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