Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Some pictures and other stuff

So this is a picture I took outside my apartment complex the other day. It has been raining a lot and I love it when it's cloudy. I always have, and not it's not because I'm emo, cause I'm not.

I'm not sure why I like stuff like that.

Things are good, and I had a good day yesterday. It was busy, but I got to go meet with my therapist. I don't know why I want to see one because I write better music when I feel the way I do lately. However I can see where my priorities have been and where they should be. I'm very self critical, and I don't know where that comes from. I hope to find it soon. The therapist I'm going to is an LDS Social worker really. I wanted to find an actual LDS therapist so they would understand the crap I go through because of what I feel is expected of a man my age. They have me fill out a questionnaire about how I feel in situations. They then score it, she said that I usually have a score of 92, and that is high considering they usually treat people with a score of 70. I have a serious question for my readers based on that. I assume all of you know me and have some sort of respect for me and appreciation for me, have you noticed that I'm unhappy or depressed for a while now? How long have you noticed it? This is a great time for all the lurkers who just read and leave to actually comment. I go through ups and downs, and I think this meeting with my counselor is really helping. I would like to know what you all have noticed about me. Blog aside, I mean actual interaction.

I have been loosing a lot of weight. I drink less soda and more water. I'm not sitting at a desk for work too. Actually I still weigh about the same, but it's all going to the right places not to my gut. My cousin took this pic.

Things are changing and I'm excited actually to see where I can take it. I don't feel so helpless, even though my truck's key wont turn off, and I don't have any money or food. I feel good. Sort of like Kevin Spacey did at the end of American Beauty, only I hope I don't die after writing this. Oh by the way, the new Superman movie kicks ass! I saw it last night with my cousins. Kevin Spacey is by far the best Lex Luthor ever, and Brian Singer managed to do a good job. If only Fox had waited a year to release X-Men so he could direct it. Maybe then the movie would have been better. I still say that Batman Begins is the best Super Hero movie of all time. But that is just me.

4 Responses to “Some pictures and other stuff”

  1. # Blogger shafnitz

    I'm glad for you too, man. Keep it up.

    Also, you're absolutely right about Batman Begins. Best comic book movie ever! One of the only 2 movies I've ever pre-ordered.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Kr5is, you are a great American!

    I know what it's like to be depressed. I ranked pretty high on the scale myself. I noticed that you were somewhat depressed the whole time I worked in the Dept. with you.

    I was happy for you when you left Utah. I was happy that you were going to work for Hall's.

    When you posted those office/hardware pics, I thought you were doing something you really loved and I was hoping that things were turning around for you.

    Hang in there. Keep blogging.
    Your friend in Utah Valley,
    - Brandon  

  3. # Blogger Gubi

    I dont know if I am just enept or what not, but I dont think you were depressed. I mean, I knew that certian people bugged you and that sometimes things would blow up over very little, but I didnt think anything of it. It is great to hear that you are working through it. That really sucks that you dont have any money for food. I know that that is. Me and Rachel went for almost 2 months on eating romen noodles with a package of vegatables for flavor every once and a while. Well, hope you are happy and when you are, pretty much everything works out. Keep it up!!  

  4. # Blogger Aubstar

    I sort of noticed that you were depressed, but I don't think I would have classified it as depression. I saw it more that you were lost. You had reached that point in your life where you had to make epic decisions about your future that would effect the outcome of your entire life.

    It's enough to make the strongest people cower under the covers.

    But, perhaps I was just too out of it myself to notice it was happening to you too.

    And on a different note, I need to see Superman. Bryan Singer rocks my socks off.  

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  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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