Kr5istofer's Thoughts

I Hate Wyoming

I really can't stand the crappy state of Wyoming. First off everything is so spread out and there are very few major towns. But when you find one you better not blink, because you will miss it. You see Wyoming likes to trick you too, you can be in the middle of nowhere and the speed limit is 75 MPH on I-25 between Casper and Cheyenne, and nobody is there to catch you when you are going 90 or so. It's like it is inviting you to go fast, and it's saying, "it's okay, you know you wanna!" So I had gotten used to this when I got to a town called Lingle which is about 15 min from the Nebraska / Wyoming state line. The speed limit slows from 65 to 30 while you go through the town, this is normal on a state highway. However there is a little trick to it and Wyoming is right there ready to pounce on you. There is a sort of jog in the highway where you turn right then less then half a mile later you turn left and continue East on the highway. The speed limit is still 30 all through this jog. But the highway becomes a 4 lane sight for sore eyes, offering you an easy truck passing opportunity. No more edging into the lane of the opposite traffic flow just to see if you can pass them at an extreme speed. Well my friends if you are ever in Lingle, Wyoming and happen to see this 4 lane gift from God, do not partake of that forbidden fruit and increase your speed to the 65 MPH promised by a speed limit sign just 100 yards away. If you do, the Destroying Angel of Wyoming will swoop down with his sword of blue and red flashing lights, and cast you out of paradise with a speeding ticket. That's right I got my first ever speeding ticket yesterday. I owe the happening state of Wyoming $153 by November 16th. But have I let this get me down? No. There is much more to my story... I managed to get to my destination in Torrington not too soon after the angle let me pass in to the land of Nod, and all seems well, but it's not. I leave Torrington Wyoming at 3:30 PM, (1530 if it were written on a speeding ticket) and proceed down highway 85 towards Cheyenne, and a snow storm hits. I was expecting this, but what I wasn't expecting was a bunch of snow on the highway and a bunch of retarded drivers from Nebraska going 30 MPH. It took me 2 hours to get to Cheyenne from Torrington which is usually 45 minutes. After I got to Cheyenne my windshield wipers were frozen to my windshield and I had to clear that off. I took off for Parker after about 10 min. The interstate in Wyoming was packed with snow, but as soon as I crossed the state line the snow pack on the freeway disappeared. It's almost like Colorado decided to plow the freeway for some reason. The roads were wet and slushy the entire way back, but it was something I could deal with. I arrived in Parker at 8:24 PM which is almost 5 hours after leaving Torrington. The trip should have taken 2 and 1/2 hours. But even this didn't get me down. When I got home my internet was not working, probably from the storm, and even this didn't get me down. Do you all wanna know why?

I'm mixing sound for Our Lady Peace on Saturday at the McKay Event Center in Orem, that is why. Nothing can bring me down from how excited I am for this chance to have yet another dream come true. Some of you that read my blog that I knew from 2001-2003 know how I dreamed of this opportunity. Unfortunately for a lot of you the show is a private gig for a company that is having a party or something, and the general public is not invited. If you can find a way to sneak into the McKay Event Center I recommend it, I don't imagine security will be very tight for a corporate event. I can hardly sleep because the excitement is killing me.

Well that is all for now. I put a new player over on the right hand side of the page where the old QuickTime player was. It's a flash player that I like a lot. It still has a few bugs that I plan to fix, but it has been a cool project for me to work on. It uses Flash 7 and if you don't have flash installed then you obviously don't use the internet much and have never been to, or you are new to the internet, and need to install the plug-ins. Good luck.

10 Responses to “I Hate Wyoming”

  1. # Blogger Aubstar


    With every fiber of my being.

    I SOOO desperately want to go see OLP. They rock my socks off. Any way I can suddenly be a part of this corporation for only like a day? I mean, they wouldn't even have to pay me. I'd take the OLP concert as payment enough.

    Oh well, I'll survive without seeing OLP. But, MAN! Aren't you the luckiest guy ever?  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    My brother was busted for going double the speed limit.

    Cop: "Let me see your license now!"
    [ My bro. happens to have his license tucked away behind his military ID. ]
    Cop: "You're in the army?"
    Him: "Yes sir."
    Cop: "You are doing a good job for this country son. Be safe out there soldier. Have a nice day."  

  3. # Blogger Gubi

    I have never been able to weasel my way out of a speeding ticket. I have tried and tried, but it never seems to work. While Rachel has been pulled over 3 times and didnt get anything. Something about its hard to see the white line in the center of the road when it is raining.  

  4. # Blogger famousjay

    I've gotten out of a few tickets, myself. :)

    OLP is going to be the coolest ever! I hope they let me sneak in my camera. :) Is it time yet????  

  5. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    That is so cool!! So cool that I just told Derek to shut up for making fun of OLP. He wasn't too hurt. I'd have to say that OLP was the best concert I've ever been to and I wasn't even a fan at the time. Congratulations! I can only imagine all the jumping and whooping and howlering. When is the concert? That is so cool, I'm jumping around for you. That would be like me Stage Managing Ragtime. I'm so seriously excited for you! Savor every moment.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Kr5is, you so better not actually pay that stupid ticket.

    Plead not guilty, set a court date and send me an email so I can give you a copy of my book.

    65 speeding tickets. . . 0 convictions.

    I promise you that it works. All you have to do is write me an email saying that you love me and want to have, like, 10,000 of my babies when it works.  

  7. # Blogger Gubi

    So what happened with the OLP thing? When exactly is this gig?  

  8. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I agree. Nothing good has every come out of Wyoming. I have come to the realization that anyone who works and lives in Wyoming could not do any better in any other state because they are retards!!! The culture, justice, and people of that state are backwards. Next time you see the blue cowboy license plate, cut them off, or don't let them in your lane because if you are behind them you will smell piss.  

  9. # Blogger Mr. K

    I agree with anonymous. Wyoming is really a colony for people who due to low personal standards settle for a cold windy place inhabited by the nation's most unattractive and poorly dressed people, where more people are at Walmart than anywhere else at any time. Anyone choosing of their own free will WYoming is, by definition, a substandard person with substandard expectations of what life should be. It is truly a dump.  

  10. # Blogger Mr. K

    I agree with anonymous. Wyoming is really a colony for people who due to low personal standards settle for a cold windy place inhabited by the nation's most unattractive and poorly dressed people, where more people are at Walmart than anywhere else at any time. Anyone choosing of their own free will WYoming is, by definition, a substandard person with substandard expectations of what life should be. It is truly a dump.  

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