Kr5istofer's Thoughts

It's about time to update I guess...

I feel so numb to everything lately that nothing really feels worth to mention on my blog. I went and saw 30 Seconds to Mars on Monday which was awesome, but I don't really have anything else to say about it. Everything keeps trudging forward weather or not I like it. Work is less busy, I still think I'll be fired in month, but I really don't care. I need a change, I would love to do one of my old jobs again, but I'm afraid it won't be as stable as I need it to be. Let me give you a low down on my financial situation. First, the bills!:

1) My Truck - I hate trucks, but I drive one, why? Because I screwed my credit history when I was 18 with a credit card.
2) My Insurance - This is the evil of our nation, but I do think it protects me in some crazy way.
3) My Phone - This has recently got a lot better. My bill should come down a bit from where it was, which will be nice.
4) Debt - I went in debt for school, and I'm still paying my sister for her gracious starting up loan. I also had to get some help from a friend with some money recently that I am trying to pay back.
5) Rent - Right now I live with Mom and Dad... How lame... I want to move out, but if I want to leave my job for something else I don't know that I can afford more.
6) Savings - I'm currently putting a lot of money into a savings type program each month. It is hard to put so much money away and not touch it. I'm barely enjoying my life because I want to put this money away.

Grand Total!:
Truck = $150
Phone = $55
Insurance = $80
Rent = $200
Internet = $20
Debt Payments = $200
Food = $150
Gas = $120
Savings = $200
Total = $1175 / Month

That is just to live, and have security. If I want to spend my money on concerts and everything else I need to do for personal sanity that is another 200 dollars. Plus I can't stand living with my parents right now. I need to move out as soon as I can, but I can't afford it. I need to find places to cut out. I could eat out less, but that would really only bring my food bill down to $80. I expect to have to pay $350 for a place to live in that I will be comfortable with. That is with roommates. I have been wanting to just get a studio or a place of my own, I can't live with roommates for the rest of my life. Since I'm not going to get married, I think I need to just start living my life the way it was supposed to be. Alone.

4 Responses to “It's about time to update I guess...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous


    I don't know if this helps, but when I got my mortgage, I thought I had lost my mind. I didn't think there was a way on Earth to make it happen.

    Strangely, money found a way and I did just fine. AND, the only reason I have a second job is because I have been financially irresponsible for the past five years. I am trying to wise up. It has been a long uphill battle.

    If you want to truly have an apartment, money will find a way.

    And, … if you quit or get fired, I will be hella' sad. My skin crawls to think of who would take your seat. You're an awesome neighbor.  

  2. # Blogger Kr5is

    Considering who is sitting by the window right now, I don't blame you!  

  3. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    Holy crap, man, you have more expenses than I do... I think we need to do like that funny cell phone commercial and "stick it to the man".

    Oh. And shout out to Brandon: I'm trying to be more financially responsible, too. I looked at all my spendings and earnings over the past three months and found out I've saved all of $100. Whoopee.

    Damn, I need a higher paying job.  

  4. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    Kristopher, Kristopher, stuff was never your strong point, but hey I'm way impressed that you are saving. And I agree with Brandon, there are ways of getting your own place. A studio is a great idea. They are usually a ton cheaper. But the coolest part is everyone will want to chill at your place but when you want to be alone you can kick them out. Thus why I live in Ogden. Please don't tell my family I said that.  

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