Kr5istofer's Thoughts

New things to do on a blog.

So I don't own a camera, and I think I'm going to get myself one for Christmas, however I did get a new phone and it is decent enough to take some images on to post here, so here are a few pictures I took on my camera phone.

This is my nephew Cooper. He has just turned 3, and is so cool. He was a Care Bear for Halloween.

This is my other nephew Ethan. He is dressed up as Eeyore, this kid is awesome, and totally makes my day whenever I see him. This one likes me.

Last night Jenna and I hung out and talked. It was good to feel like things were cool again. We have both been having a hard time with a lot lately, but now I think for the most part she will be okay, and I will be okay. She has been through a lot more than I would ever wish upon anyone, this girl needs a break. I am going to Colorado for Thanksgiving, I hope to see my Grandpa, and his wife Marie I think... Is that sad? I want to build a relationship with that family. I never see them, and I want to start spending Holidays with them again. I don't think I'll move to Colorado either. I don't think it would be good for me. I would probably just end up becoming an alcoholic, and die in a gutter somewhere... maybe not that extreme, but I don't think it would be a good thing at this time. I do want to go back someday, just not this moment. Bryan and I have been really close in the last 2 weeks. I have seen him more since he has been married than in the entire year. I think he is reaching out to me, and to be honest I needed that from him or Rich. I miss the guys, and it is nice to have Bryan worried about me. I don't know... I guess things are lightening up a bit.

Here are some more random pics:

Me Being Stupid with my phone.

Jenna poking her eye out.

2 Responses to “New things to do on a blog.”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Awesome post Kr5is.

    I need to get a new camera. You don't realize how many material things you lose when a relationship ends.  

  2. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    Kodos for getting a camera, I personally love mine. Brandon, good luck with that. Is it mandatory that all pictures of guys have to be goofy? How about an easy to see, normal picture? Try it, I think you'll enjoy it. :) Amen for hanging with past friends. It should be done much more often. How is Tiffany? Is she still in a band? And the dieing in a gutter thing, I wouldn't recommend it.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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