Kr5istofer's Thoughts

The Geek in Me

I found this today.

So they have announced that they will in fact be making a new Star Trek movie. I was watching Syriana today and while watching the movie I decided to go to and read up on people in the movie. I clicked on Matt Damon's name and something caught my eye. He is cast in the new Trek movie as none other than Captain James T. Kirk. Obviously a younger version and as it turns out William Shatner approved the choice in casting. I can't wait for this movie. I have renewed my interest in the Star Trek universe recently by watching the entire series of Enterprise starring Scott Bakula who is also soon to star in a movie version of Quantum Leap. I'll let you all discuss what Quantum Leap is and if you don't know I recommend you refresh your knowledge of early 90's pop culture, or ask your parents. Also (i'm beginning to feel like a promoter now) William Shatner is this years target for the Comedy Central Roast. It will be sometime in August, but I can't wait for the T.J. Hooker jokes and a speech from Spock!

2 Responses to “The Geek in Me”

  1. # Blogger Aubstar

    When I read the official announcement a few weeks ago, I was actually disappointed rather than excited. I guess I had a million thoughts in my head all at once telling me why this could be potentially disastrous.

    1. Different Actors for our Favorite Character.

    Obviously, this one has to be done, because Nimoy and Shatner are never going to be able to even think about playing school-aged people. But, still. So much is riding on just the new actors ability to make us fall in love with the characters again. It's going to be tough.

    2. Going back instead of looking forward.

    There are so many unresolved stories in the star trek universe that I had to wonder at a decision to go BACK rather than resolve some future questions. Like what happened to data? Did O'Brien die? When will Sisko come back? What happened to the crew of voyager? etc...

    BUT, JJ Abrams will be producing, so I am willing to not completely black list this project. After a man that had his hand dipped in "LOST" "Alias" "MI:III" and other beauties is bound to do right.

    But, a Quantums Leap movie? Now THAT is something to get excited about!  

  2. # Blogger Gubi

    That sounds freakin awesome. I have always enjoyed trek movies, and I used to watch every episode of quantum leap I could. I thought it was a cool idea. Time travel is not passing your body through time, but your consciousness. Best part of all that, was the little calculater thing that whats his name had. It only had like 5 buttons, but he could tell you about the entire universe in like 2 seconds by taping that thing in the same order every week.  

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