Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Well, I Should Let You Know...

I thought I should let you know that I will be taking another trip to Utah next weekend. I will be driving again, and this trip will be brief, but I wanted to give my Utah readers a heads up that I will be there. I will be driving out with my friend James who wants to go see my sister, but the reason for me to go is so I can continue my tradition of going to the X96 Big Ass Show. I haven't missed a show since 1999. I plan to go to every B.A.Sh. that they have until my family pulls the life support plug. This year's schedule looks interesting.


Hawthorne Heights

Soul Asylum


Alien Ant Farm

Rock Kills Kid

Head Automatica

She Wants Revenge

Blue October



The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Just like Spin, I have marked the bands I plan to see with Red. I haven't seen a lot of these bands, some of them are familiar. Broke's lead singer is a kid I used to chat with at local shows. I sat in on some recording sessions with a band that he was producing an album for. None of the bands playing this year are bands I have a lot of interest in, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the show. I think it will be hard to top the Our Lady Peace performance from last year's Big Ass Show as far as enjoyment by Kr5is goes. OLP have played the show 3 times, I think that is still the Big Ass Show record. I could be wrong. My favorite memory of the Big Ass Show is when I was backstage at the interview table. Davey Havok from AFI was wearing a red and black see-through mesh shirt with black electrical tape over his nipples. He was real nice, and took a deep interest in my friend Nate. I laughed for a good while.

Anyway, So I will be in town for the show. My cousin said he plans to drive down from BYU Idaho to go and he also said that Taking Back Sunday is playing that night. I can't confirm that but if they are... oh baby... I won't be seeing anyone unless they go to the B.A.Sh. with me.

2 Responses to “Well, I Should Let You Know...”

  1. # Blogger Spinch

    I was impressed by Hawthorne Heights last year, even if they're no OLP. I'm more excited for She Wants Revenge than I really should be, and it's only because of the lyrics of "Tear You Apart."

    I've had several people say that's a "Spin Song." Should I be scared?  

  2. # Blogger HollyAnn

    I just noticed that on your links to cool people's blogs, my name is now H0lly! happy day!!

    ps, i might be coming with you and Bee next Saturday. :)  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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