Kr5istofer's Thoughts


So it's time to update the blog. Since I last posted a lot has happened, I went to Utah last weekend to run audio for Our Lady Peace. Let me first tell you how much I love this band. In 1997 I was real bored with a few things that were going on in the music world and I got hooked on a song called Clumsy by Our Lady Peace. It was a simple rock song and good enough for me to go buy the album. Over the years I always paid attention to the songs they played on the radio from that band. In February of 2000, I had the opportunity to ge into an exclusive acoustic performance by the band at club DV8 in Salt Lake City. This is still one of my favorite concerts I ever attended. I realized that I loved this band when I saw them play a year later at the same venue for the Spiritual Machines tour. I knew all the words to all the songs they played, and for the longest time was the best concert I had ever been to with the exception of Smashing Pumpkins at Saltair a year earlier. At that concert I even knew what they would play for the first song, Right Behind You (Mafia). The energy at that show was so cool, and my friends Amber and Heather were then convinced of the greatness of the band. I have not missed a Salt Lake City performance from this band with the exception of the Big Ass Show in 1997. This makes me a hardcore fan. So last week my friend Trevor mentioned to Jenna that he was going to run sound for the band at a private corporate function at UVSC. I was like what?! He and I got in touch and he invited me to be on the sound crew for the show. I was on cloud 9 for the whole week. I got to Utah at 5 AM on Friday morning and slept till 12. There was Halo that night and there was Sushi that night and there was playing guitar with Steve that night. Awesome times. The next morning I went to the McKay Event Center at 9. I met the crew that I was working with and we set to work. We had to wait for the union riggers to come and hang the motor points to fly the speakers on. We worked all morning into the after noon. At about 3:30 the band showed up and began to do their sound check. This was AWESOME! I watched them jam and play some very obscure and rare songs. I got to say hi to some of the members and they chilled and talked for a while. It was cool and I was just blown away. That night The Jenna and a bunch of people met at the McKay and we all watched the band blow our minds for an hour and forty-five minutes. After that I went backstage and shook their hands and loaded the truck. Jenna took a lot of pics on her camera and I managed to snag a few set lists from the stage before the crew took them. Have I mentioned how awesome it was?

After I got back to Colorado the normal life set in. We had a blizzard yesterday, and I had a sister missionary flirt with me hardcore... weird. That is another story.

I put a link to DoyleSoft on my blog yesterday. Check it out, they offer a really cool knowledgebase tool and there is a news letter that is real cool read and catch up on the new IT industry news.

1 Responses to “Okay...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Thanks for the link to DoyleSoft! It never hurts to have more inbound links. You're awesome! :)  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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