Kr5istofer's Thoughts

This week...

It has been about week since anything new was posted on here, so here is an update. This last week was good but stressful. I still owe my dad $230 from all the repairs to my vehicle that he helped me with. I have been trying to budget myself, but failed over the week and spent about $100 more than I should have. On what I'm not sure. I'm going to try and fix that though, by not spending monet this week!!!! I leave for Colorado on Thursday afternoon, and I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to see my aunts and uncles this weekend. I have not seen them since my Grandma died. I wish I was still close to that side of my family. They are so cool, but they never really liked my family. We were the "Mormons", they loved my mom, but the rest of us were extra baggage that came a long with it. I know my grandparents did't think that, but some of my aunts do. I love my Uncle Craig and Aunt Jody, they are some people who totally loved us and always will, go figure that they are the only other family that has children in this extended family. I remember playing football with my uncle Craig, he and I are very a like. He has a band too, and wants to hear mine. I'm going to bring a copy of some of our music with me so I can sort of show him. We videotaped our last show, and I'm going to try and get a copy to bring. I think it will be fun. I saw my family for a few hours yesterday it was nice. I have been teaching my little brothers and Sister to play Halo 2. I am going to bring my XBox with me so we can play on the way. I hope it will make the long trip more bearible. I will also be driving for a while which helps my bordom situatoin.

This last weekend I went to a condo with Jenna and Jeff. I had so much fun being away for a few days. I played some games, lost a poker game to Jenna, played some Halo and watched one of my favorite Family Guy episodes, and found it very profane to my surprise. I guess now that I am becoming more concious of the media I watch or listen to I am more offended by it's content. I'm growing up... As a result of losing the poker game to Jenna I have to kiss someone new in the next month, or I will owe her $50. This is sort of a catch 22 situation for me, seeing as the only girl I am close enough with to actually kiss is Jenna, but whatev. So here begins my attempt to be a mouth slut again. *sigh* I think I can find sometone in that time. I thought I was done with being a man-whore.

I saw a really good film on Saturday as well. "Be Cool". It was really "cool"! I don't think I have been that entertained by a movie since "Death to Smoochy". Go figure that they are made by the same people. All in all life is really good. I can't wait to get back from Colorado though. This is sort of a question that I think about a lot, do you ever have an event happening that is so big that you can't see what is going to happen after that? I know when I get back I'm going to be plaing with my band, working on buying a new guitar, and getting into school, but I don't have a huge event to look forward to. I really want to go to Vegas soon, maybe I can start planning that and have something to look forward to.

So to catch you up on the current situatoins in my life here is a list of people that mean a lot to me, and an explination about how they are involved with me.

Rich - Well he is still getting married, I am excited for him, even though I don't know how to feel about his Fiance right now. She has done some things to make me queston her intentions in life. I hope Rich understands her and is really ready. I don't see him anymore, maybe for a few min at work, but that is it.

Bryan - I think he and Katie broke up. Katie was the best thing to happen to him in a very long time. She and I were going to see the Killers in May, but another band is going to be playing the same night that I want to see more... JIMMY EAT WORLD!!!!

Jenna - She is doing great! She spoke in church on Sunday. What a powerful person she has become.

Danielle - I saw her dance the Standard Medley for the UVSC Ballroom team the other night. She is very talented. I love her to death!!!

Karissa - She has proven to be as fickle as I suspected. I have stopped answering her calls, and I hope she does not show up at Tiffany's birthday party on wed. Argh... I'll tell you about it later.

That is really all the very important people to me right now. Wow that was a long post, I'll let you swallow this one before I post more...

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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