Kr5istofer's Thoughts

It Feels Like...

Have you ever had a feeling like something new is about to happen? I have had that for the past week. It is weird cause it has another feeling sort of wraped up in it to. I think it is the kind of feeling you had on the last day of school before the summer began. It's almost here, but you're not sure what to expect from it. Something is almost here, I can feel it. My best friend is getting married in about 45 days, this is weird to me. I always knew this day would come when a close friend gets married. Amber already has, and I always knew that that would happen, but this is Rich. He was my first friend when I moved to Utah. The was there when Sarah and I broke up, and he was there when me and Karissa broke up. I can't put in words how much he means to me. He is having a hard time paying for his wedding. He is not getting much help from his fiance's parents, which is understandible, I don't think they are as well off as Rich's family is. They have had to make some cuts in the budget, and one has been where they will get married. They have decieded to get married in a church. I don't want them to do this, not that there is anything wrong with it, but I'm sure that neither of them had hoped their whole lives for it. I have deciede to help pay for a place for them to get married. I told Rich about it today, and I could see him fighting back the tears. I think if we weren't at work standing in the main lobby he would have actualy cried and gave me a hug. I realized that there is not much I wouldn't do for him and some of my other friends. I think God puts certain people in your path that will make a huge difference. I know there are people in my life now that I knew before this life. That is a cool feeling. I want to make some changes in my life, and they are so hard to make. I want to become active, but I don't feel comfortible dressing up for church, maybe if I had a suit I would be okay. I'll work on that. I don't want to be the one empty seat when we all meet again after this life is over. I want to have my friends and family forever. I want to love forever. I want a lot...


p.s. for thoes of you that know Rochelle (Rich's Fiance) please do not tell her about my offer.

2 Responses to “It Feels Like...”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    She's got a point, you know... especially for someone who's 33% Nazi.  

  2. # Blogger Aubstar

    Just when I think I've got you all figured out, you go and do something so completely wonderful that it makes me wonder if I am even from the same Gene-pool as you! You are positively the coolest person I know. Rich is lucky to have a friend like you, and I sure am lucky to have a brother like you! I hope you know that I love you!  

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