Kr5istofer's Thoughts

The Evil that is UVSC

So I have been trying to get enrolled in school for about a month now. I got registered and enrolled in my classes. My Tuition was going to be about 1250 dollars. That sucks, but okay! So I start the process of figuring out financial aid. The school has made a lot of good progress in helping students get ready for school and financial aide, but they rely too heavily on the Internet system to get it all figured out. I finished my Government application only to find that UVSC can't find record of high school graduation or Equivalent. Now as some of you may not know. I was 2 credits short of graduating on time, and I ended up just taking my GED. Now while the GED accounts for 5 High school credits. Alpine School District still would not award me a diploma. That sucks, but I know I could do it, and I know that I did my part. Now to top it all off I took my GED from UVSC who can't prove that I have a High School Education. I sent about 5 emails to the financial aid department asking them what I must do to get that taken care of. The said that since I took the test at UVSC that they should be able to find the records and to just wait. I was okay with this, until today. Today is the day that I need to get it all taken care of, but they still don't think I graduated. So I call the financial aid office since I work full time and can't go to the school. They now tell me that I have to bring the certificate to the school. That should be no problem accept they close at 5 and I get off work at 5. To add to that dilemma I don't know where my Certificate of Completion is. Last I saw it, it was on my parent's computer desk being proudly displayed. It was there when I moved out in 2003 and I don't know where it is now. I know it is not in my boxes because I have been through that so many times and don't remember seeing it. I know I wouldn't have thrown it away, so I have to go look through my parents bedroom and try and find it today. They are in Colorado right now. Now this wouldn't be such a pressing issues accept I leave for Colorado tomorrow, and I won't be back till Wednesday when everything has to be taken care of or my classes are dropped. So I now have to take time off work that is hard to do when I'm already there. My supervisor is really cool and is letting me take a long lunch with 4 hours PTO. So I have to go home, find my Certificate, cash my check, go to UVSC Prove that I have completed high school, then pay them out my ass 470 dollars for a short term loan. I'm a little frustrated and concerned. What if I can't find my certificate? Will they still give me a loan? This sucks!

1 Responses to “The Evil that is UVSC”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous


    My hat's off to you. You are very dedicated to your goal. To be honest, I might've given up.

    By the way, remind me NOT to go to school unless I retire from the full time software gig. ;)

    Let me know if I can help with anything.  

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