Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Mise à jour De Week-end

So that was a weekend. Cody came out from Colorado on Thursday and we got to chill for a while. Unfortunately I was unable to go to California and Jenna couldn't go either, so I made the best of it. On Friday we had a Bon Fire with Tiave, Dan and Some of their dance friends. It was fun Cody came up with some of his friends from work in Colorado and joined us. We all had a blast, accept Shit-brick started being stupid to Jenna again. I don't think I'll say much about that. I don't know who reads this... Saturday was fun. I slept till noon and then Jenna I and I went shopping, sort of. We rented Paintball guns and bought some Camo clothes for a paint ball game we were going to play on Monday. It was fun, then up the canyon again for a BBQ with Rich and Adam for their birthdays. It was cool, we had a pavilion with power, so we could play music, and talk. A lot of people came, and it was so good to see them. Karissa showed up, which was real nice. I'm glad she is okay, but I'm still sort of weird about the whole thing still, man I suck! After the BBQ I went to bed. Sunday was lazy, I slept most of the day off and on, I played a bit o' halo, and then to be honest I don't remember. Oh yeah, doughnuts, and watching lightning. That was cool. I had a good talk with my best friend, and it was awesome. Monday morning I went paintballing! Totally rocked! Sarah was there, which was weird, but I had so much fun playing with Joseph and Jonathan Barley again. I miss those kids. Rich and Adam wanted to celebrate their b-day that way. It was fun. I tried to sleep most of the afternoon, but I couldn't. I then went to Spanish Fork to see Debbie, James, and Terra. It was cool to see them again. I had Dinner with Deb's family. They are so nice. Terra asked me if I would take her to Homecoming. This is a first for me, being asked out like that, but I know she wants me to "take" her, so I agreed, I don't think UVSC does one, so I'll have to find an alternative. I hope Terra is okay, she called me a few nights ago crying because all of her empty hopes have left her. I thought I was in a hard place... Terra is so trusting that she often gets walked on or taken advantage of. She misplaces or mistrusts her heart to the wrong people all the time. She is like a sister to me, and I want to help, but I don't know how. I want to tell her to go to church, find a real hobby, or find something that really makes her happy, instead of relying on other people to tell her what should make her happy. James and I talked about stuff that he is working on that totally excited me. He is working on a book about the life of Moroni, for those who do not know who he is, he is one of the Prophets that wrote the Book of Mormon. He is actually my favorite, and in my opinion the most interesting character in the whole book. James invited me to come and read some of it. He also told me that there is this girl that is prefect for me. He wants me to meet her. She just converted to the Church and has had a hard time. James told me that he felt like he was prompted to have us meet. Weird. I donno about that... Anyway. I'm going to go out with her sometime soon. I plan to go see James next weekend. Well that's the weekend...

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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