Kr5istofer's Thoughts

So school is cool!

I'm back from Colorado, and what a trip it was. I had a blast... I found out on Saturday morning that the trip had been moved to Denver instead of Delta. My grandma was having some heart problems and couldn't travel anymore. So we all met at my cousin Cody's house and had a blast. It was so good to see all my family again. Grant, Cody and I joked around each night till way late, and didn't sleep enough. It was cool to feel the love of my family and be around so many powerful and talented people. All of whom think the same of me. I got the financial aid stuff figured out and my loan was awarded! I got 3,000 dollars for school. I used almost 800 yesterday, and I'm paying the rest when the check comes. Holy crap it is cool, it was nice to go to class and study, take notes and understand. I am excited to learn. I have two classes, Math and Multimedia Communications, it is going to be a good semester. I bought an iPod for myself. It totally rocks. I have it half full, and I expect to have it completely full by next week. It rocks too...

I interviewed for another position at work today and I think it went really well. I answered every question thoroughly, and I think I impressed them... Time can only tell. The only thing holding me back is my Tech level at work. But I'm only at that level because I am taking responsibility. Anyway... That's all for now.

1 Responses to “So school is cool!”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    I'm SO EXCITED for you!!! You've been waiting for this change for so long, and I'm so happy for you, and so glad it's finally all coming together for you. I love you!!!  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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