Kr5istofer's Thoughts


So I don't remember what I said the last time I put something up here, but I hope it wasn't too weird. Last week was cool, I helped Rich and his Wife a lot with their computer. I got to spend some time with Rich cause everyone else was so busy. Steve got married on Saturday which was really nice. I didn't go to the ceremony, but I did catch him at the reception. They are so cool, Steve mentioned that he has been talking to people about out music again. He really wants to try again when he gets back from his honeymoon. That made me happy. I got to talk with Sam a bit. Bruce was there, I haven't seen him since he moved back to St. George. Moo was there too, it was like one huge reunion or get together, accept with a lot of people there too that nobody knew. After that I again was forced to change my plans and not go see Harry Potter like I was planning, but that is something I'm not going to talk about. Saturday I decided to go to St. George with my friend Kevin, who is in town from England. It was very much needed to get away from a few people, and be the one to make things not go as planned. I learned a lot about myself though, I reflected a lot on how I act and treat my friends. I'm being walked on by everyone, and I mean everyone. I'm not here to please people, and more importantly, I'm not here to be someones bitch. That is all I have been lately to my friends. Weather or not it's because I want to help, or I have some helpless crush, I'll let all these people make decisions for me, and let them craft my doom so to speak. Well I'm done. Submissive Kr5is is dead, and I'm going to be making a few of my own demands to these people. It's only fair after all the crap I have let them deal me. I don't think this was their problem, it was mine because I let on that that sort of social thing was okay. Anyway, while I was down there we went to a bon-fire and stayed up singing and chillin all night. I slept most of saturday then we wen't to eat and chilled around the city. I got home at about 2 on Monday morning just in time for work! Awesome!

I'm done griping, things are awesome. I'm going to Colorado tomorrow night and i can't wait for this vacation, It will be nice to see the other members of my family. Blah blah blah, I'll let this be for now.

2 Responses to “Yay!”

  1. # Blogger BattleCat

    Im finding it ironic that you realized people have been treating you like a bitch after you have a liberating weekend that Inks and I had to make you go to. hehe I'm glad your life finnaly has made a shift......hit my blog, and tell every one to read it too. Im trying to become famous....take care.  

  2. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    Kevin...I agree. Random question...did I miss the add-a-numeral-to-your-name fade?  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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