Kr5istofer's Thoughts

This Picture Made My Day

It's good to see that people still have a since of humor.

Why today is a good day.

The Steelers beat the Colts in today's NFL playoff game. Which makes me very happy because my team the Denver Broncos have homefield for the AFC Campionchip game. This is a good year for me.

My predicion Denver beats the Seahawks in the Super Bowl.

Just as I thought.

I feel awesome. It had been a while, but Wednesday totally lightened my mood. I needed a good NCMO for a while. I totally unwinded and now I see it all so clear. I had the recent opportunity to talk with an awesome friend of mine who got married recently. She and I weren't as close as others, but it was awesome to talk with her none the less. She asked me about a common friend of ours, and why she is so distant. I didn't have he answer, but it was good to know that I'm not the only one that is conserned.

All in all things are good, accept for the end of the most amazing friendship I have ever had. I'll keep you informed later.

LOL I'm back!

Tonight was awesome, I got to see my friend Michelle for her birthday, which was so much fun. A bunch of my other friends were there too. After that Krista and I got to hang out for a while which was so much fun. She is really one of my favorite people ever!

Chelle and Krista

I hope to see them for my birthday. I reverted back to an old version of me though, which I'm definitely not complaining about, but I find it funny. I mean old, like high school. All for now.

Call Me When You're Ready.

I'm walking away, It's not the same as running.

I can't fake who I am anymore. I'm getting angry all the time, and that is not who I was when I was cool to the people around me. Why does nobody trust me? What have I don't to deserve the alination?

I can't be who I really am though. It will remove everything I do love in my life, but then again I think that is happening no matter how I act or feel. I'm happy, but I'm frustrated. Frustrated that everything I touch falls apart. Everything I cherrish I ruin, and all I can do is cry, but I can't do that either. Why am I numb where I need not to be, and over emotional where I shouldn't be. I don't think I am who my friends think I am. What sort of mask did I put on for them, and more importantly which one? I wear different masks around different friends, and I have been lost in my many identitys. I can't see the real me, I catch glimpses of it when I'm with different people, but it is never in plain view. I can't write music because everything I do come up with sounds like I can't make a decision. I hate that. I'm complaining I know, that is something I'm good at. This is why I'm always set aside as a friend instead of a lover. Trust me I know...

The Web This Blog

Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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