Kr5istofer's Thoughts

The Mars Volta

So I have been listening to a band called "The Mars Volta" lately. I downloaded their music last night. They come on high recommendation from a lot of people that I respect as far as music goes.
I have found on song that everyone should listen to once. Warning it is a little weird, but I like it.

Televators - The Mars Volta

Please take the time and listen to it. It's cool.

So today was a normal day. Not much new happened. I'm going to be going to Colorado twice in 3 weeks coming up. I can't wait. I think I might start a countdown till Colorado on here. It will be fun.

So I haven't had any thoughts on who the previous song that I posted is. I'll have to start dropping hints. Here is the first one. The album the song comes from is called "Ænima". It is one of my top five favorite albums of all time. I will list them after someone can guess the song.

As for life, it is really good. I have a date on Saturday with a girl named Kelly from Salt Lake. She plays in a band too, and she is the lead guitarist. I might just have to marry this girl. lol Not really, I promise to know her favorite color, and have a long relationship before I do that again.

Which brings me to another point in my life. I was engaged once before. It was really hard to leave that relationship, but I'm finding the hardest thing is to tell people that I was once engaged. I feel like I am judged for having failed once. I have decided on a new requirement for a relationship to become an engagement. "Four Seasons & A Road Trip" I have to have dated for at least 4 seasons, and gone on one road trip before I pop the question... Again... I think this will give me an opportunity to get the know the person on an emotional level, and have them in real situations before I decide to be with them forever. Does anyone have any thoughts? Basically I am fishing for comments. They make me feel cool.

Well time for bed...

Rock On!

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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