Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Wait... What?!?!

The following paragraph is not about anyone that reads this blog. I stole the writing style from Jenna (Thanks Friend!).

Why? Why does this happen to me? Of course it's not okay! Did you have to ask? You know I lied to you too. If that happens I'm done, I'll move on somewhere else. I can't watch that, it would kill me, I'm not that strong. I know I'm not good enough for what you inquired about, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up. I'm trying to better myself, be someone that somebody would like to have as a husband some day, somebody that people see and want to get to know. If I can do this I know it will be different. This is going to ruin it for me and you. You do realize that don't you? Could you see it in my face when you asked me? I don't hide things very well. But then again you don't know me very well. I know I'm the last choice, but it doesn't mean that you have to jump on that opportunity. It hurts to be the person that is always the last choice.


Whew... That is a lot of my chest. Something happened last night, and when I feel like talking about it I will. Things are very well though. I'm stressed about a few things, but nothing so big that I can't see the clear path through it. I'm well on my way to being where I "need" to be. I know that I will be a worthy Priesthood holder soon. I know that I can spiritually provide for my future family. I know that my family and I will benefit form the blessings of me being a worthy member of God's plan. I know that when I start school this fall it will be a landslide of great opportunities to better myself and help me be ready to provide. These are a few of the things I think about every day. Every morning I wake up I think about the timeline of my life from here to eternity. I will not offer my testimony here, it is too precious to open it to slander on the internet. I will happily share it with anyone that asks though. Aside from the previous paragraph things are easy to deal with. I think I'm going to move home in July. I hope to be ready for school in August. I am going to visit some grant websites today. Oh! SO COOL! Jenna and I ARE going to Denver for her Birthday!!!! I can't wait. I love that place with all my heart. I want to go so bad. Her family invited me to go, that is so cool to me. I'm happy that they like me enough to invite me on a trip with their family. They treat me like a son of sorts, I'm always welcome for dinner and they are more interested in what is going on in my life than my own family. They are cool... Anyway. This has sort of become a random rant of sorts. I'm not going to see Jimmy Eat World tonight, I really wanted to see them. I really want to see Taking Back Sunday too, but something told me that I shouldn't. Somebody is going to need me... I'm not sure why I got this feeling, and it may be something that will end up not being necessary, but I can't go against my instincts on something like this. Is this the promptings of the spirit coming back? I hope so. The momentum of life is catching up to me. I have a desire and an ambition to be better. I know I can do this. I will too...

1 Responses to “Wait... What?!?!”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    Bwahahaha!! That's used a disclaimer...haha. They're cool huh? It's like telling someone not to read it but then teasing them that if they don't they're missing out on something juicy... lol. That's cool. I want to hear about this when you're ready to talk about it.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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