Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Weekend Update...

So I don't want to move home. I love my family and all, but there are some things that I don't think I can deal with. My parents are cool, and I don't have a problem there. My sister and brother Aubrey and Zack are cool too, but I don't think I can handle Tyler and Danielle. While Zack has matured a lot in the last two years Tyler (please do not repeat anything you read here) is still unwilling to help mom. He makes more messes than he cleans, and would rather live in the mess than clean it up. Danielle is a little brat, and makes my mom's live very frustrating. While I love her and Tyler both a lot, I am fine not living with them.

I also don't want to put any strain on my mom. She does not have the energy to put up with me, and I don't have the time to do what my little bro and sis don't do. I know that if I see something like that I will try and take care of it. I have changed a lot since I moved out. I don't know how to do this and be happy.

I had a very good weekend overall though. I was pretty much ditched on Friday by everyone accept Lee. (It is hard to be his friend) I did see Sarah on Friday at Bryan's wedding, that was actually one of the high points of the weekend. She looked good and happy, and we talked without any weirdness. I just went to bed at about Midnight. On Saturday we played halo and then I went laser tagging with James and Debbie for James' birthday. Then we watched Dodgeball. That was a cool movie. James loaned me some really cool music. I have to return it this weekend, so it means that I get to see him again. On Sunday I was able to talk with my bishop and get back on track again, and I finally cried. I have been trying to for so long, but I have been unable to. This was a real cry, on that makes you feel better. The bishop was so nice and genuinely interested in my life and what is going on. I told him everything. He told me that he was so glad to know me and that I am one of the sheep in his fold. He loves my ward so much and he is so willing to help me. He thanked me for helping him end his day on a very happy and spiritual note. He hugged me and then told me to come and see him every week. He also gave me a book to read about forgiveness and repentance. It is really cool. I tried reading the first chapter last night, but I was very tired. I will have to re-read it. Things are looking up in my relationship with God. The bishop also said the he was impressed to tell me that my wife is waiting for me to become worthy and when I am right again God has her in mind. This helped a lot. I know that my beliefs are true, and that Christ did die for me in order to give the ability to repent. Wow this got church related very fast and hardcore, but that is what I am becoming again!

Anyway. Please take care.

2 Responses to “Weekend Update...”

  1. # Blogger ZackHarrison

    I am not suprised that you don't want to come back home. It has changed a lot but it still has become much harder. I am so glad that I can come to this site and read what is up in your life. I have been trying to figure out how to become closer to you a lot lately. This has helped. I would be posting more on my site but the people that I would be nagging on always read it so we will just have to catch up soon. I love you man. I know that you will make it to where you are meant to go.
    Always there for you,

  2. # Blogger Aubstar

    I agree with you, Kris. (About how Tyler and Danielle never help.) I've tried everything I could think of to get them to help more, but it hasn't worked. This is why I didn't get a job this summer. I figure someone has to be around to make sure Mom doesn't feel overwhelmed.

    BTW, I'm glad your relationship with god is improving. Now I just wish mine would.  

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