Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Catherine Wheel

I have been remembering a lot of music that I used to listen to a lot lately. One band that I discovered while working as a DJ for X96 is Catherine Wheel. There was a song from them called Black Metallic that I used to listen to on repeat after hearing it. Not that it was a really powerful song, which is usually the case with songs that I write about, but something just hooked me. If you can find a copy of it, I recommend you take a listen. I had to download a P2P client and risk spyware to get a copy again. I have been looking for the album whenever I'm in a place that sells music, but I haven't found it. Maybe I'll have to go to Independent Records in Colorado Springs again. I found a Vinyl copy of Vheissu from Thrice there, and of course I bought it without a second thought. I also saw Lateralus from Tool, and I plan to go back and get that. But if you have a chance to listen to Black Metallic from Catherine Wheel then let me know what you think.
On Friday I drove to Glenwood Springs again for work. I'm glad I made it in one piece, my tires are starting to show metal instead of tread. I plan on buying new tires when I get paid, but that isn't till Friday. I hope I make it. On the way home I took a different way, which took an hour off the usual trip. I took Independence Pass which is a very high pass. So high that you get above the tree line, I took a picture of a view just before the summit.

I haven't had a nicer drive through the mountains ever. It was quiet, and I had the opportunity to listened to some music that Jenna suggested I listen to. Of course is was life altering, just like usual when Jenna introduces me to music. I highly recommend the album Plans from Death Cab for Cutie, pretty much the whole album is so cool, with the exceptions of Soul Meets Body, and Crooked Teeth. Both just happen to be the singles played on the radio, and both are complete crap when compared to songs like Brothers In A Hotel Bed, What Sarah Said, and I Will Follow You Into the Dark. Anyway this is turning into a review. Just listen to it.

3 Responses to “Catherine Wheel”

  1. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    "What Sarah said" huh? I'm nervous. I'm very pleased you got a therapist. It's a concrete step toward helping yourself, I should know. It feels good to have someone who is focused only on your happiness. And you don't have to be afraid you will offend them.  

  2. # Blogger Kr5is

    You know I was just thinking that today. I liked talking with her because she didbn't bring up issues she is dealing with too. Not that that is a bad thing when talking to my friends or something, but sometimes I just need someone to focus on me for an hour or so.  

  3. # Blogger shafnitz

    OK, so Death Cab For Cutie has been on my list of bands to listen to for a while now. I just started playing their album today and I noticed something right away... No one told me that the lead singer is from The Postal Service! I love those guys. I already like this album.  

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  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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