Kr5istofer's Thoughts

I don't know what to really say, but it's time to say something

I have been working a lot this week, which is good especially since I have to pay rent with my next paycheck. I have been driving a lot, but that's what happens when you visit other peoples businesses as your profession. Today I went downtown to setup a remote service for one of our clients. Little did I know that I was going to meet a new girl. Her name is Allison, and she is the office manager for the office I visited today. I got her number and I plan on calling this one, she seems like a lot of fun, and hope maybe a date or two will come out of it. I don't think anything else will happen, but it will be a girl to chill with. I don't want to be set up on a date, and I don't want to date girls from church. I'm not sure why, but I don't. Anyway that was a small part of what has been happening lately. Dave and Joseph are leaving town. Joseph is going to China for 4 weeks and Dave is going to Germany for 3 months. In the mean time I plan to go to Utah again, or maybe San Diego. 311 is playin at Red Rocks at the end of July and my friend Arielle is most likely flying out to go to the show with me. I wonder what my friends think of me with all these girls coming out to see me. Since I have been in high school I have been better friends with girls than guys. But the guys I'm friends with I feel a real friendship. Lets go over the list. When I first moved here Krista came to see me and Thrice, and I had a blast. Jenna came out to help her sister move, and I got to see her then. Christena came out to go to the cabin with me. Tera wants to come out and visit. Rachel will be coming sometime this summer. Arielle at the end of July. My sister and brother will be here in July too. Man I feel appreciated, and like a complainer. None of these visits are romantic in the least bit, but I have a hard time convincing my friends that I'm not a player, or a lip slut. What a plague! As fun as it is for everyone to come see me or to go visit, it gets tiring. I have now found that when I eventually move back to Utah next summer I'll have to fly back to Denver quite a bit to visit the people I made a connection with or renewed connections with. This weekend (which seems to be all I live for... the weekends) I am going to a concert with my cousin Grant, who is just awesome. I can't wait to chill with him. I need someone to go to concerts with. I know that I have friends here, but it's hard when I worry if they are having fun the whole time. Case in point, I took Christena to a concert once, and she hated it. Plus she then began to question why I like it. I believe she said that the people looked like zombies in the audience. Now anyone that has been to a concert with me knows that I disappear into the music and atmosphere. According to a few people I tend to have a pissed off look on my face, so I know how it is to be a 'zombie'. Just a quick list of the best concerts I have ever been to:

Sigur Ros - October 2005 in Vegas with Spin. Best show I have ever been to.
Smashing Pumpkins - May 2000, Andy Danelle, and Mark went to this one.
Deftones - Sometime in 2000 - Steve and I got meet a few of the band members.
311 - 2001 - I was with Krista, and caught a drum stick.
Our Lady Peace - 1999 - An all acoustic show at DV8, which was totally wicked. Bryan came to that one.
Our Lady Peace - 2002 - DV8, with Amber and Heather. Man that was awesome.
Thrice - 2006 in Denver with Krista
30 Seconds to Mars - 2005 Lo-fi with Jenna

Anyway, I don't know why I felt like I should post this, I'm wanting to go see AFI here in Denver and Damien Rice in a few weeks here too. However I don't know anyone here that would really appreciate it. Tool will be here again in August and I want to go, but I can't stand going alone. I need to find a totally wicked emo girl that has an appreciation for what I like. Whatever this random rant is near over. Things are good, and I am having a good time. I hope to see you all soon.

4 Responses to “I don't know what to really say, but it's time to say something”

  1. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    I'm offended. Do I not get included in your list of people you went to concerts with? I went to the OLP concert in 2002 where Nate got kicked in the head and Raine stopped the song to be sure he was alright. All but one concert I went to was with you. That one was N'SYNC, yes I admitted that, and yes I had a great time. So piss off. :)  

  2. # Blogger Kr5is

    I'm sorry! That was a good show, another one I really liked was Fuel, I had so much fun that night. 311 was way fun too! I can't remember all the concerts we went to there were so many of them. I miss going to so many shows.  

  3. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    Fuel was good. I think it was at Saltaire and Joel went, he made me laugh. We colored the ends of my hair black, I thought it looked cool. Feel bad every time I think about that show, you bought a beanie that I loved to wear...and I lost it. :( I think Saliva opened for them, I hated them. But Fuel was good, Peter was there too...I think. The one concert I didn't like was Tori Amos...that was weird. Didn't we see 311 twice?  

  4. # Blogger Kr5is

    You didn't like Tori? Huh, I must remember wrong. I liked that, and yes it was weird. Yeah we saw 311 twice. Good Times.  

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