Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Eternal Sunshine of My Spotless Mind

So today was a long day. I had 5 appointments and a lot to do at each of them, the usual stuff though, nothing big. I got home from work and played Halo for a while, but quickly got bored. I managed to download a copy of Windows Vista Beta 2 and began transferring it to a DVD. Dave called and wanted to come over so he did. I played Halo again for a while till he came over. He wanted to install Vista on his laptop so we started. Right now we're waiting for it finish. I'll let you know how it goes. I plan to install it on a different hard drive. I'll pick one up from work tomorrow and experiment. I'm so tired and I feel like I'm rambling and not posting anything of any worth here, but I am a little distracted. I put a movie in to pass the time while Windows was installing. The movie is Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, which is one of my favorite movies. However whenever I watch it, I evaluate my life and situations and wonder if I would do the same. The movie is about a guy that erases a girl from his memory, after she erased him. While the company erasing his memory is performing the procedure, he tries to keep some memories of her by hiding her in other places in his mind. Would I erase someone? Surprisingly I came to the conclusion that I would. When I asked this question to my friends a year or so ago my answer was different, but now I think that I would. Not necessarily relationships, I value all that I have learned from every relationship, but there are a few friendships that I have where I would erase a few memories. There are a few former friends that I would erase all together. I don't know where I'm going with this, but it is a question that I would like my readers to answer. Would you erase someone or some things from your memory? Is ignorance better? Please respond, that is if blogger ever fixes the comment section. I wrote a new song yesterday, now I'm working on the lyrics, we'll see how I do, I'm thinking I'll include something similar to the title of the movie in it. Wish me luck.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

4 Responses to “Eternal Sunshine of My Spotless Mind”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

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  2. # Blogger famousjay

    Sometimes when life gets hard or someone in particular in my life hurts me or I have to go without them, it's easy to say I would erase them if I could. But I think that even if I had the chance (and it WOULDN'T cost a million bucks) I still wouldn't. The people who have been in my life and will be in my life are there for a reason, and no matter how hard that reason is, it's still a reason.

    Cool lyrics, Kr5is.  

  3. # Blogger Kr5is

    I wish I had written that, but I didn't. It's part of a poem from Alexander Pope.d  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    That is a complicated question- I turn to Kaunt's "Catigorical Imparitive"


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