Kr5istofer's Thoughts

So I was really bored last night...

So I was really bored last night and I was trying to find something to do. And I did.

I recorded a song in my bedroom with a pair of Sony studio headphones as a microphone, and a really crappy set of Delta airline headphones as a reference. I don't have a mic anymore. I think it was permanently added to the guitar night collection back in Utah. So here is the song. I did a lot of cool tricks with the software I used to mix it all together. I warn you it is creepy to listen to, and the lyrics aren't about anything in particular. I took something from everything I'm feeling and put it in there. Just tell me what you think.

If you are having trouble playing the file you can download it here.

If you want a second listen please download it first.


3 Responses to “So I was really bored last night...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I really liked the song, I had no idea you this creative and talented. And this was done in your bedroom? If you had some studio time, you could really make some cool music. By the way, hang in there.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I enjoyed your none conventional vocal part. I really liked the guitar effect and "open" nature of the piece. What it lacked in congruence it made up for in origionality. I give it 3 and 1/2 stars out of 5 on the local scene scale. (5 being valence). I miss writing stuff with you, bitch!


    (and those other posts have been me too peter!)  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    So since its shooting from not emo im guessing I can just uhh hitter up for all shes worth. I was wondering how I had finally breached the 100 mark on bandwidth. Thats megs not gigs. I like the song alot though. So much so I might just login and dl it for future listens.  

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