Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Okay Audience Participation Time

**I bumped this post again because I wasn't satisfied with the response I got. So get off your lazy asses and TELL ME YOUR SONG MOMENT! **

So I want my readers to pick a song that they have a memory for and then tell the rest of us about it. I think it will be fun, it could be a funny story, or a serious moment, or one of the worst moments of your life. I hope I can tell you what I felt and thought and have you understand it from where I was. The song I pick is a song that may be hard for a few of you. Considering it is one of the greatest regret filled song ever. I have a few regrets, and I think you may understand one after reading this.

It was around the end of November or the beginning of December in 2004, I don't really remember but that is irrelevant. I had moved into a house on 8th north in Orem with 6 other guys, I had my own room which was lucky considering there were 3 1/2 bedrooms in the house. But I didn't like spending time there, probably because I had just got out of a bad relationship and I was feeling very alone. All my roommates were dating or planning on getting engaged. It was awkward to bring people over because Bryan slept on the couch in the front room and whenever he got home he would be rude. Jenna and I had been starting to hang out a lot more now that I was single and she was really single. Danielle was working at Sears in the Provo Town Center for the holiday season and didn't have a car. So Jenna picked her up a lot, one night she asked me to go with her, and I did. It was raining in Utah county that night. We drove down there and listened to some music on the way. She had a CD in that she had been listening to for a while, I think Ben Folds' the Luckiest was on it and a Blues Traveler song or two were on it too. We got to Sears and started to wait. We ended up having to wait for a while till Danielle could come out. So we fogged up the car in a very cool way, but not the way you all think. We talked... and sang songs... and discussed my band... and her music... After the windows were foggy we drew our names in the fog on her sunroof. We made all sorts of fun designs. At some point in the night the song Raining in Baltimore from Counting Crows came on. I about cried. That song has always had a huge impact on me, but not in a depressing way. It was perfect for the moment. There was a spirit in the air in that parking lot that night, and all the variables were right to make a memory. I think that is one thing that fueled the awesome friendship that she and I have. I didn't know it then but, that would be the last time I ever heard that song in her company again. She wouldn't want to listen to it any time I started to play it. I'm sure there is a memory there that she would like to not bring up, especially since she lived in Baltimore at one point, but that was never made clear to me. But I created a memory with it, and whenever I hear that song I remember that night. One of the greatest nights of my life, and nothing huge happened, just an awesome conversation and memory with my best friend. The writing on her window managed to stay there for a whole year till it was washed off during our trip to Colorado last November. But sometimes the streaks catch the light just right and you can see part of a Kris and a Jenna written on the window. Listen to the song and put yourself in my shoes, and tell me if you think I'm crazy.

It's your turn to share.

7 Responses to “Okay Audience Participation Time”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Mine is kind of a split.

    Our Lady Peace: Innocent

    This one gets me all the time. Mostly because Kr5is screwed me out of two OLP concerts. . . good times.

    Anyways, Innocent.

    I was working in SLC at the time and I woke up late. I had like 35 minutes to make it to work from Center Street in Provo.

    Jump in the car and head onto I-15. I'm doing about 110 or so and the alignment totally dropped on me. I remember singing along to Innocent as the car rolled 4 times. It was still playing the chorus when the car finally stopped.

    Yeah. . . fun times.

    - Byan (Not the bitchy one that Kris talked about)  

  2. # Blogger shafnitz

    Excellent choice, Kris. Raining in Baltimore is an awesome song. I have to listen to it now. As for my song, I'll get back to you. I want to thinkg of a good one.  

  3. # Blogger Aubstar

    Mine would have to be "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles.

    On my 12th birthday my family would be going to a family reunion somewhere in podunk, UT. I hated that. I threw fits and begged my parents not to go, but they were insistent.

    It was probably about 11:00pm on July 11 (the day before my birthday) when my dad called me into my parents bedroom. I expected a lecture, an argument, anything but what I got.

    My dad gave a little speech about how much he loves me, and doesn't want me to feel sad. So, he said that he decided to give me my birthday presents early. I don't remember all that I got from them, except for the Abbey Road album. Dad and I stayed up for a long time in the kitchen around the little boom box that we had there, with our ears pressed up close to the speakers. We had to keep the sound turned way down because the rest of my family was asleep.

    It was then that I realized that as messed up and crazy as I thought my dad was, he loved me. That's the best memory I have.

    So, now whenever I hear "Here comes the sun" I think of that night in the kitchen, and the kick butt and carefree summer that I had back then.  

  4. # Blogger famousjay

    Hey 5, rememeber that time we were up on Canyon Road during the thunderstorm and we were listening to 'On My Own' by The Used and we talked about how the song was written from the standpoint of Squaw Peak and watching the valley and wanting to scream out loud, and how it was cool that we know what he's talking about in the song, and we both said that the song kind of sounded like a thunderstorm, and the lightning was awesome??

    Yeah.. me too. :)  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    This song thing is a little game I play myself from time to time. My blog is full of lyrics that seemed appropriate for whatever situation I was dealing with at the moment. Music is how I communicate when I can't use my own words to do it. But here is a specific story for you:

    When I was getting divorced after five years of marriage and discovering that my ex had been on drugs and cheating on me, I took to driving a lot while listening to music. I found a theme song for the moment one day, when Cruz, by Christina Aguilera came on the radio. Kind of embarassing to admit it, but it's a really pretty song that seemed to fit.

    "Slowly drifting
    Into a peaceful breeze
    Tongue tied and twisted
    Are all my memories
    Celebrating a fantasy come true
    Packing all my bags
    Finally on the move

    I'm leaving today
    I'm living it
    Oh, I'm leaving it
    To change"  

  6. # Blogger Carpe Noctum

    Mine is split in a 3-way. Many moons ago, after yet another failed relationship, I latched on to 3 separate songs that have a special place in my heart.

    When I think about the concept of a relationship, I think of Brian Adams' Have You Ever Loved a Woman from the Don Juan de Marco soundtrack.

    When I think about fun relationships, I think about Chris Isaac's Wicked Games (video actually runs in my mind).

    hold on ... I need a moment after that video.... And I'm back.

    After the breakup comes some alone time to burn off some frustration. Sugar Ray's Mean Machine always seems to hit the spot.

    It's more of a cycle than one song specifically attached to an occasion.


  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    ok I have to do a few!

    just because you mentioned Ben Folds - The Luckiest, and also because the first comment was a memory of wrecking their car...

    yeah, I totaled a car while listening to The Luckiest. It's not even driving music...certainly not wrecking your car music!...but yeah, I wrecked my car to that song. Hah.


    ok just because it includes you...I associate that one techno song from The Matrix...I'm a huge nerd and I even remember the name and artist...Rob D - Clubbed to Death...I associate that to the road trip to Denver, to see U2, that I went on with you and Lee

    on to the really meaningful one...

    Telepopmusik - Breathe

    I associate this song to the days right when I had moved out of Utah, out of a bad relationship, home to an even worse family relationship. But I was falling in love with the person who, cross my fingers, I hope! I may yet get an enagement out of him...he was far away in Houston but I was keeping faith and hope and doing everything I could to take that leap into the dark and make things work with him...and despite the fact that things were less than friendly at home, it was a beautiful setting, my parents had just moved into this house in the corner of a hill, in the forest, and it was rainy and I was looking out the big huge window in the front of the house, into this misty forest, and it was really beautiful...I listened to that song nonstop during that time...the lyrics were simple, "Just believe, just breathe" and it calmed me a lot, reminded me that all I needed to do was trust what I knew, and keep going, and not worry so much, things were going to work out, because I was loved. yeah. it's still a very poignant song to me.

    - Janelle  

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