Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Voice Post #1

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4 Responses to “Voice Post #1”

  1. # Blogger Spinch

    Awesome voicepost... and several things.

    First- I hate tire stores.

    Second- "Glacierfed" would be an AWESOME name for a band. Sounds very indie-ish.  

  2. # Blogger HollyAnn

    I completely agree with both Spinch and Dave on all points. 'Nuff said.

    Favorite line in the voicepost: "I woke up with a flat tire." This immediately sent my mind in to the fascinating image of Kr5is-with-a-silent-5 having tires instead of feet, which kind of made me giggle. Man, that would change Famous Footwear's approach to things, wouldn't it?

    Also, since Jenna-with-a-silent-7 is my sister, and you Kris-with-a-silent-5 are my brother, can I have a silent number? I mean, really. Or maybe we can just pretend the "o" in Holly is a zero. So, it'd be like, H0lly.

    Man. Even my NAME can't come CLOSE to the coolness level of you and Bee.

    In closing, the word verification it's making me do says "yttieutz". Try saying THAT ten times fast.  

  3. # Blogger Kr5is

    H0lly it is! --------->

    'pmsfw' is my Word Verification.  

  4. # Blogger Gubi

    This is awesome man! Totally enjoyed the Voice Post. I ought to figure it out so that I can do something like that as well. And Spinch, I totally like the name of 'Glacierfed.' I buy a CD just to say "I got Glacierfed." Anyway, Later.

    PS.. word was 'xwsnwi'
    Dont ask me how to pronounce that one.  

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