Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Before you...

Before you Google who wrote the song, please read them. I like the lyrics a lot, and wish I could be this talented.


You were once a sweet little girl
So innocent and pure
You eyes were open and sure
Anyone could look right in

I followed closely your gaze
You looked up towards the sky
But I watched your face drift away
Other things had caught your eye

The magazines and media supplied you with their plastic protocol
And maybe music television really is the devil after all
But all I can say is I knew you before
You were beautiful back then

Before you grew up, before you gave in
You could be beautiful again

You dream of sharing your heart
Instead you share your bed
And your heart beats empty and cold
With all the tears that you have shed

You dream of baring your soul
Instead you bare more skin
And you wear dark glasses to keep
Anyone from looking in

And all you want is to hear the words
Dear baby I love you
So you hike your skirt higher still
Till there eyes are all on you

You drive in fast foreign cars
The color or your sin
And you tint your windows to keep
Anyone from looking in

5 Responses to “Before you...”

  1. # Blogger famousjay


  2. # Blogger Aubstar

    Yeah, wow.

    I like it alot. I'm off to google the lyrics.  

  3. # Blogger Aubstar

    Figures it'd be Thrice. Should've known without googling. I'll have to remember to listen to it when I get the chance.  

  4. # Blogger Kr5is

    Actually it's not Thrice, but it is the lead singer. Dustin has been writing a bunch of folk solo stuff and I found an online stream of it on his Myspace page. It's gonna be on the album he's putting out and I'm stoked.  

  5. # Blogger Gubi

    Thats pretty cool man. I wish I could write lyrics that good. I have really enjoyed most of thrice's music, I think this will be a great addition.  

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