Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Blue Eyes

I remember a lot of moments in my life. All of which I treasure. I don't think there is anything in my life that I would take back, or do over. I would say some things differently, but all the experiences I have are to much to loose. There are a lot of moments that stick out. They are usually the extremely good or the bad. I remember vividly my first Christmas. My first kiss. My first date. I remember the bad too, the day Sarah's blue eyes cried as she said that she was lying when she said that she loved me, and then threw the ring at me. The day my grandma died. The day my parents kicked me out. Then there are the memories that I don't know where to put. Like the day I lost my virginity, or the day I moved to Utah.

You know what my favorite feeling is? When your hears skips a beat because your current crush or loved one came in the room. The fear and the nervousness you feel on the surface of you face when you are about to kiss someone. I find myself dreaming of those feelings a lot lately. Not sure why they occur more than usual. I think my mask of being okay with where I am is finally wearing away. I hope I can stop putting this band-aid on and actually heal. I wish I could read minds. That would make my whole life easier. I'm so afraid to hurt someone or be rejected that I stay in my shell. Just when I am about to break free of my fear something pulls me back.

So much of who I am has been guided by these things. Most of my friends and I have a deep passion for music, and it seems like my life could have a sound track. When I look back at those things that stick out I always hear a song in my mind. Something like a Fox Network Teenage Drama. You know what I mean. I live for making these moments.

I bought a new CD this weekend. Garden State Sound Track. Holy Crap! What a good CD. Don't listen to it when you are sad though. I haven't had that happen, but if it does, I'm sure it would not be fun. A lot of acoustic stuff on it. There is one song that totally stuck out. It fits perfect. I can't let things go, and I will always be in love with Sarah, and Karissa, and other various close people. I can't let go of that as much as I try. This song reminds me of that.


Colin Hay - I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You

I drink good coffee every morning
Comes from a place that's far away

And when I'm done I feel like talking

Without you here there is less to say

I don't want you thinking I'm unhappy

What is closer to the truth
That if I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you
I'm no longer moved to drink strong whisky
'Cause I shook the hand of time and I knew

That if I lived till I could no longer climb my stairs

I just don't think I'll ever get over you

Your face it dances and it haunts me

Your laughter's still ringing in my ears

I still find pieces of your presence here
Even after all these years
But I don't want you thinking I don't get asked to dinner

'Cause I'm here to say that I sometimes do

Even though I may soon feel the touch of love

I just don't think I'll ever get over you

If I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you


That is all for now. I am nervous about work tomorrow. I start a new project, and it is going to be hard. But they pay me more!

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