Kr5istofer's Thoughts

My Trip...

So I got back from Colorado last night at about midnight. This trip was so good for me, I needed the break. We left at about midnight on Friday after a killer company BBQ. We played Poker and Halo, Good Freaking Times! After that we packed up and took off. Nothing really huge happened while I was there. We celebrated Jenna's birthday while we were there too. I think she finally had a good birthday. I'm still trying to figure out what to get her for her Birthday, even though it is late. I got to chill with Cody on Saturday night. We went to Taco Bell and bought a lot of food, then we went to Wal-Mart and passed some out to people, and had some fun. I bought a CD there from Thrice. IT TOTALLY KICKS ASS!!! I will come back to that thought. The next day was Sunday, and Tiffany was supposed to come up from Colorado Springs to see me. She never came and her phone was always going to Voicemail. I tried calling her all day and all weekend, but She never answered. I hope she is okay. I am worried sick. I'm going to try and call her tonight, but I don't think I will get through. If I don't I'm going to call her family and have them try and find her. I went with the Bradford's to Denver that night to have dinner with Janet's brother. I had a blast. I was tired and worried about my cousin, but other than that it was fun. I want to move to Denver though. There is something about that place that lights me up. Some people keep trying to tell me to move there and that it is worth the loneliness and heartache. I don't think it is... I am nothing without feeling loved. Cody and I talked about moving in together, and going to CSU in Fort Collins. I would like that, but I have to get good enough grades this next semester to get me into a University. I would miss some people here too much for me to be healthy in another place. On Monday I went shopping at the Castle Rock Outlet Stores. I bought some shoes and spent some money at the Gap. It was cool. Then we just went home. Good times for a good weekend. Now I have found a new song of the moment. I would post it as the song of the day, but I still don't have anywhere to host the song. I NEED TO FIND SOME WEBSPACE!!!!

Here are the lyrics. Please be resourceful and find this song online. I will be happy to share it with you if you ask me though.


Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance

late night, brakes lock, hear the tires squeal
red light, can't stop so i spin the wheel
my world goes black before i feel an angel lift me up
and i open bloodshot eyes into fluorescent white
they flip the siren, hit the lights, close the doors and i am gone

now i lay here owing my life to a stranger
and i realize that empty words are not enough
i'm left here with the question of just
what have i to show except the promises i never kept?
i lie here shaking on this bed, under the weight of my regrets

i hope that i will never let you down
i know that this can be more than just flashing lights and sound

look around and you'll see that at times it feels like no one really cares
it gets me down but i'm still gonna try to do what's right, i know that there's
a difference between sleight of hand, and giving everything you have
there's a line drawn in the sand, i'm working up the will to cross it and

rhetoric can't raise the dead
i'm sick of always talking when there's no change
rhetoric can't raise the dead
i'm sick of empty words, let's lead and not follow

late night, brakes lock, hear the tires squeal
red light, can't stop so i spin the wheel
my world goes black before i feel an angel steal me from the
greedy jaws of death and chance, and pull me in with steady hands
they've given me a second chance, the artist in the ambulance

can we pick you off the ground, more than flashing lights and sound

3 Responses to “My Trip...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I have been with them for several years. I even purchased a handful of preium services at one point.
    - Brandon D.  

  2. # Blogger Kr5is

    Thanks man! I'll check into it.  

  3. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    Hey, dude, I think it's so cool that you're letting other people post in your journal.

    The one time I let someone read my journal, it was at a party where I was certain I would never see anyone there again. It was really interesting, because she wrote some of the most insightful comments I have ever read. Nothing negative-critical, but very poignant and life-changing.

    Mostly, she wrote that I needed to open up to the world around me and not be so judgemental. I suppose being opinionated, prideful, and generally stubborn all make for a bad personality, if I don't control those things.

    Anyway, I love reading what you write and I'm glad you're trip went well (and that you finally got to go on it).

    We still need to get in touch, don't we?

    Sorry I'm a little out of the loop lately, but I'm getting better at having fun, so fun we should have.  

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