Kr5istofer's Thoughts

This is a post on a blog...

So not much has happened since I last posted. Things are very good, and weird at the same time. Let me just go over what has been happening for the last few days.

Friday - Work was good, I got out of there at a decent time. Jenna spoiled me. She took me to dinner and to see Star Wars again. I think she wanted to bribe me into talking again, and it worked. I opened up about my relationship with God. It has been bothering me a lot. I'm not the best kid, but I try, and these road blocks get in my way sometime. At the end of the night there were two things I was sure of. 1) I need to be patient with my repentance, and 2) I have the best friend in the world.

Saturday - I got to play with a BIG ASS sound system. It has been so long. I wish it was for a band I enjoyed, but you can't always win. It felt good to go back to that stuff gain. I miss working sound for the summer theater productions. It was a hot day, and I worked from 9 till 7 on it. Wasn't bad. After that I went up the canyon for some BBQ hamburgers with Adam and Amber. It was so good to see them again, I have missed them so much. I think they are finally out of the Honeymoon phase since they weren't able to have one before he was shipped to Iraq. They are the coolest couple. That night we went to Their house and watched Muppet Treasure Island. Rich and Rochelle came, so did Mike and Darsi, but the coolest thing was my friend Dave was there. He is home on leave from California. It was good to see him, but I think we are having less and less to talk about. After the movie we all raced home and Rich, Mike and I played Halo till 4AM. Good Times.

Sunday - I went to Church for an hour, just for Sacrament Meeting, then Jenna and I ditched and went up the canyon with some food and talked about her date on Saturday. Later we went back home and slept for a few hours. It felt so nice to rest that day. Later we watched Star Wars with her family, then walked around the park for a few hours. I hadn't done something like that for a long time. The stars came out, and all the familiar Summer constellations were there. I saw Sarah's star, and it was cool to be able to look at it and not get all emotional and crappy. Another sign that I'm better off without her. Jenna and I had a long talk about some things that are bothering her, and as a result I think I got a little pissed off. I tend to think and feel to much when it comes to people I care about. I think I closed off.

Monday - I worked on Monday, and my Tax return came. So of course I want to blow it, so I take Jenna to P.F. Chang's for dinner. It was sweet. I was also able to get a lot off my chest about the night before. I went home early and did some laundry, and mostly just rested.

Tuesday - Was work again... Everything was great. Steve and I went to the studio and worked on our music again. It is really coming together. I can't wait for everyone to hear. Brady our "drummer" showed up at about 8:30 and we played till 9:30. Steve and I decided not to use him as a drummer. Some of our songs are getting so complicated that a drummer has to be able to count and change on the fly. He couldn't so we're hoping Adam (Steve's Friend) will play with us for the summer. I somehow ended up back home that night with Jenna and my roommate arguing over some weird things. I just worked on my guitar, cleaning it and all sorts of cool stuff. Then it happened. He asked me again. I thought it was over... I was wrong... So here goes another round of emotions.

So yeah, I don't think I have ever posted anything so detailed, and I don't think I will again, but it was fun. Wasn't it?

P.S. Sorry I haven't changed the song of the day. I will as soon as I find a host.

2 Responses to “This is a post on a blog...”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    Eh, Steve!  

  2. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    Posting a song of the day? I haven't been around too often, lately.

    I'm glad to hear that things are going rather well for you, too.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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