Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Everybody knows, It sucks to grow up.

So things are good. I don't know who really reads this on a regular basis, but I'm not going to hide anything anymore. This is for me and me alone. If my friends read it then great, they should know me better than a blog anyway. I don't say that because I want to share some new feelings or thoughts, but I hate it when I sit down to write and then try and consider the people who read this and might be embarrassed. I'm sorry if I do this to any of you in the future, but like I said. It's mine.

Mix the chemicals right dear,
Mix the chemicals right,
Yeah the margin of error is slight.
Mix the chemicals right dear
Mix the chemicals right,
Yeah you know that you could, Save my life.

There, Is a risk,
There's a risk when your dealing with love.
You could snap my neck.
Any speed you drive, Can be dangerous.

Mix the chemicals right dear,
Mix the chemicals right,
Yeah you know there's a fine line between.
Mix the chemicals right dear
Mix the chemicals right,
yeah you know what betrayal can mean.

When this frame fails me,
Will I trust you to carry me through?
I know there's no such thing, As safety.
But I know what a promise can do.
Will I trust you,
Will I trust you to carry me through?
I will trust you,
'Cause I know what a promise can do...

So since I last wrote a lot has gone on in my world. Krista's plane landed on Wednesday night. I picked her up from the airport and then we went to dinner at a place called Stalions. It was real good. On Thursday I worked a half day and then I spent the rest of the day dragging Krista around Colorado. We went to Castle Rock and to Highlands Ranch, we saw the movie 'V for Vendetta' which is freaking awesome! I was way impressed with it, very 1984 meets The Matrix, meets Nazi Germany. Awesome go see it! After that we went to The Melting Pot in Littleton, good times as always at the Pot. Krista burned the tips of her fingers on the fondue pot though, she's fine just felt dumb. We got home at about midnight that night. Yesterday I worked a half day, just two appointments. After I was off work I did the coolest thing ever. I went and saw a taping of 3 Wheel of Fortune shows in Denver. They will be aired on May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Check it out. You wont see me though, I don't recall a camera ever being on me. We then drove up to Boulder and met some of Krista's cousins there. They took us to a Sushi bar that was the best sushi I have ever had. If you come visit me we will be going! I had so much sushi that I was falling asleep trying to digest it all. Good times. Today seems to be exciting. Tiffany and her brother Adam and her sister Marla (all of who are my cousins) are coming up to chill with us. We're going to go see an exhibit at the museum called Body World. Click here to see what it is. I'm so excited, after that the night I have been looking forward to for 2 months now. I get to see Thrice, my favorite band... mmmm... I think I have developed an unhealthy love affair with them. The lyrics I posted earlier are from them, but I didn't post them because it's Thrice, I posted them because it fits the story for a few friendships I lost in the last weeks. I know that I am still friends with all of you, but... 600 miles is a long way away. I plan to come visit sometime soon, but sadly it's just a visit. I can't fake that it will be okay for some of us anymore. I miss every one of you dearly. I hope to see all of you soon. If you read this, please just comment, even if it's just a ":-)". I would like to know who reads this.


7 Responses to “Everybody knows, It sucks to grow up.”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    I read it! :)  

  2. # Blogger Eric

    me too  

  3. # Blogger Spinch

    I'm glad that things are going well for you up there. You're one of my best friends. The reading shall continue.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    << If you read this, please just comment, even if it's just a ":-)". I would like to know who reads this.

    I can do better than that. Check out the sidebar on my blog. ;)  

  5. # Blogger HollyAnn

    Yeah, Hoddie reads it! I definitely woulda had a comment up here earlier, especially considering i check your blog like every day for an update (:-p) except I was in North Carolina this weekend. :) *hug* You're really awesome, Kr5is.  

  6. # Blogger famousjay

    Anyone who's anyone just uses Google homepage with RSS feeds to check people's blogs so they don't HAVE to actually check the site everyday. ;)  

  7. # Blogger Kr5is

    Brandon Said: "Your blog rendered perfectly in Firefox tonight.

    I about shit a brick!"

    That is awesome. I neeed to choose a different style or maybe switch blogging service.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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