Kr5istofer's Thoughts


I'm just going to write an update. I'm feeling good, but sedated. I keep thinking I am just working summer job and eventually I will be moving back to Utah, but that's not the truth is it? Well maybe it is, what If I just save as much money as I can then move back to Utah and go to school full time. I really need to do that, school. I don't think I could amount to much without that. I want to be able to provide, and I'm getting a very good picture painted for me about how much it costs to live and provide and own things. I want to buy a car, but that will cost me about 400 dollars a month. I want to have my own place and that will cost about 800 with the utilities and everything. Not to mention maintenance on my car, and keeping money for emergencies. Holy crap it's hard. I have debt right now that I need to pay off, so maybe it's a good thing that I couldn't get tickets for Tool today. I have a lot of things I am trying to improve about myself, I'm trying to figure out what women look for in a guy when they are deciding weather or not I could be a good husband. Jenna talked about communicating yesterday, I think I do that pretty well with a lot of people, except when I get emotional or upset. Then I begin to be irrational and start to whine, or not know how to communicate. Classic example is when I was in Utah two weeks ago, I can't seem to collect my thoughts about a few things right now. So in knowing that I communicate better when things are more stable, what sort of stability do I need, or what am I looking for. What sort of happiness can I get from life, and how should I view things, or approach the situations that may affect my life in order to find my happiness. Truth is I am depressed, and I haven't wanted to admit it. I know all you knew that and it is all over this blog, and all over my face. I haven't ever felt so out of body before, and I don't like it. I don't know what will help me, or what will soothe my heart, but I do know that if I got what I want I won't be happy. I'll just be sort of held off, patched up, but not fixed. I'm really trying to identify what it is though, just pray for me or something.

3 Responses to “Hokay...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If you do come back though it would be really nice to be able to hang out w/ you again and see you every now and then. Its odd how you dont realize how cool it is to have someone around until the time that person is no longer there. Although I know coming back is not something you want to do and I am hoping that you do well there and get the advances your looking for.  

  2. # Blogger HollyAnn

    Um, well, basically.. the first step to true happiness comes tonight, in the form of steak dinner with the Bradford women. And, well, the Merrill women/babies and men too I guess. But we all know it's really just one Bradford woman that's important: me! :)

    Even though you're coming in like 30 minutes and probably won't see this until afterwards. muahahah.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Pad $708
    Daughter $348
    Credit Cards $390
    Heat and Lights $226
    Car Insurance and Gas $120+
    DSL and Cell $100+
    Feeding myself $???

    Total $1892+

    Curious. Nobody ever told me that it's expensive being a responsible adult. FYI: If you do find out what women want, fill me in. ... Myself and the Hi-Tech group misses you.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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