Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Flying to Utah

So my flight is tomorrow and I'm nervous. I have always had a fear of heights, and flying. I like flying though. I went to Virginia 4 years ago and it was awesome. I had a blast but I was nervous. I requested the window seat too because I feel like I am in control when I can see where I am. If anyone has any advice to handle this phobia that I have, of if you want to make fun of me just comment on the blog, cause I judge my worth in life based on the number of comments I get. ;-)

12 Responses to “Flying to Utah”

  1. # Blogger famousjay

    Pansy!! ;)  

  2. # Blogger famousjay

    I like planes.  

  3. # Blogger famousjay

    I wonder how many lame comments I can post here before Kr5is says "Only post something worth reading." :-D  

  4. # Blogger Victor

    You must live off external validation. There's more to life than what others think. Try some nodoz, excederin, and Mtn. Dew together, you'll feel more relaxed.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous


  6. # Anonymous Anonymous


  7. # Anonymous Anonymous


  8. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "It is nice to be back. Because... I have no esteem. I live solely for your approval."  

  9. # Blogger Spinch

    Everything2 has some great suggestions.  

  10. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "Believe in you, I"  

  11. # Blogger Sarah Dawn

    LOL, still afraid of flying, huh? I'm glad to hear you say you had a great time in Virginia...but you were weird on the plane. My suggestion is to get distracted, play video games, most guys can get lost in those really well. :P Most importantly, remember to keep breathing. ;)  

  12. # Blogger Eric

    just remember your coming back to the state Eric lives in - all is well  

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