Kr5istofer's Thoughts


It's going to be another hard day... I don't want to go home yet. I know my friends work tomorrow, but I don't want to leave anyway. I don't have anyone of real worth in Colorado yet, and there is something wrong here and I can't put my finger on it. Something isn't the same. I'm having lunch with Christena today but I don't want to. I'm obligated to, I really just want to hang out with Jenna all day and all night then fly home tomorrow, but that can't happen. Next time I come out which will be for her birthday I'll take more time. It has been an awesome weekend though. Applebea's finally the other night, The Melting Pot last night, and I got to see the people I love. I don't know what else to say right now, so I'll stop before I make up some stuff that I don't really feel.

1 Responses to “Hmm..”

  1. # Blogger Aubstar

    There's something to be said about leaving. Whether it you who leaves people behind, or someone you love leaving you behind, the fact of the matter is they're still leaving.

    It doesn't matter how you justify just how close or far you are, they're still gone.

    I won't see you in the mornings anymore. I won't fight you for the parking spot in front of the house, I won't take you your keys when you lock yourself out of your car. I WILL miss you, but I am excited for you.

    You've been given a rare opportunity to start over. To take who you are, whoever that may be, and go forth and show all those around you. You get to make new first impressions all over again, and forge new relationships.

    While the road is dark and unpredictable, it still paved in hope. You have a ton of family out there who, even if they aren't who you want to have there, are willing to accept you. To embrace you.

    I'll try not to drag on too much, but just remember this. I don't claim to be a perfect molly mormon, or the epitomy of a saint. But, I do know, that those times when you are lost and feel completely alone, Those are the times that Christ is closer than ever. Those are the times that it is the most important to put our faith in him.

    Yeah, I think I'm done now. Just remember that I love you, and I am always here for you to yell at, cry at, or just talk to.  

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Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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