Kr5istofer's Thoughts

So I Should Have Gone With My Gut On This One...

On Friday I had an appointment in Colorado Springs, one of my favorite offices to go to, Dr. Bennett. I picked up Jenna at the airport and then went down to the office. It was supposed to be a format of the server. I got down there and ran the backups, but something was keeping me uneasy about formatting. They have a dental perio software that they use besides Dentrix which I'm familiar with. I couldn't verify that the software had been backed up properly, so the office manager and I agreed to wait. We did. On Monday I went back down to work on the issue again. The original issue was that the server occasionally gave the BSOD, and Dell won't exchange the new server until the OS had been reinstalled. So I finally got a backup of everything and tried to reinstall Windows. The usual stuff happened but the Windows installation wouldn't recognize the Mirror RAID. I had the drivers on a CD, but windows wasn't looking for a CD, it wanted a Floppy!! Well most computers don't have floppy drives anymore, just like the one I am working on. So off to Comp USA to buy a Floppy drive and some disks, then back to the office. I installed the floppy drive, and then created a driver disk for the RAID. The install was going beautiful, until... BSOD! It happened again. I thought it might have been because I did a quick format instead off a full format. So I did a full format, which took all of 3 seconds, which is way too short, and you guessed it BSOD. Before I had even began the Driver problem I thought that the RAID controller was the problem, and it was. I bypassed the RAID and ran a full format. This one took a while like it should, and Windows installed beautifully. I hate it when I'm right and still have to prove it to myself.

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  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

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