Kr5istofer's Thoughts

All Your Base Are Belong To Kr5is!

So you may have noticed the new song on the right side of the screen. I think I have posted the lyrics once before, but I don't know if anyone has actually heard the song. As the description of the album says, I didn't much like Deja Entendu from Brand New the first time I listened to it. I think I had a hard time getting used to the abrupt changes between the clean and distorted parts of the songs. Lyrically these songs are so good they make me sick. This song especially, I love songs that have a dark side to the lyrics but you can see and hear the smile in the singer's voice. Sort of like Tyler from Toadies, and that one song that Steve and I wrote. All that aside tell me what you think of the song.

There will be a lot of changes made here soon, you may not notice them for a while. I plan to migrate everything to my own host, and my own domain name. I have been looking into a word engine called Word Press. I have a few friends using it and I think it is really slick. Check out to see a page using it. Can anyone think of a cool domain name for my web page/blog? I'm not creative enough to think of one that describes me and my blog. Spin thought of, but I don't want to take that away from that project. So the next mission for the readers of Kr5istofer's Thoughts is to come up with a new name for the blog and a domain name.

On a personal side, things have been a little weird here for the last 3 weeks, a lot of weird feelings are coming up and some situations are hard to deal with, but I'm feeling great as well. I'll catch you kids later.

Voice Post #1

this is an audio post - click to play


Wonder of Wonder, Miracle Miracle!

I will write a big post about my weekend soon, but first on to some good news about my little family here in Colorado.

I got to work this morning and set out to call Apple to have my iPod, lil Kr5is, repaired. I couldn't afford the surgery till now. So I pull it out of my bag and plugged it in to the wall, (which I have tried before) and he opened his main menu eyes! All my songs are there, and all my photos! It was so good to see it wake from it's coma. It's ALIVE! So I'm letting it charge to see if he stays awake for the advertised 15 hours. Thank you for all your prayers and support. My family appreciates it.


Before you...

Before you Google who wrote the song, please read them. I like the lyrics a lot, and wish I could be this talented.


You were once a sweet little girl
So innocent and pure
You eyes were open and sure
Anyone could look right in

I followed closely your gaze
You looked up towards the sky
But I watched your face drift away
Other things had caught your eye

The magazines and media supplied you with their plastic protocol
And maybe music television really is the devil after all
But all I can say is I knew you before
You were beautiful back then

Before you grew up, before you gave in
You could be beautiful again

You dream of sharing your heart
Instead you share your bed
And your heart beats empty and cold
With all the tears that you have shed

You dream of baring your soul
Instead you bare more skin
And you wear dark glasses to keep
Anyone from looking in

And all you want is to hear the words
Dear baby I love you
So you hike your skirt higher still
Till there eyes are all on you

You drive in fast foreign cars
The color or your sin
And you tint your windows to keep
Anyone from looking in

My Weekend...

I wanted to give you a taste of how awesome my weekend was, so I made a video of it!

For my friends that have a ***COUGHPROXYSERVERCOUGH*** blocking the way to eternal damnation here is a direct link!*


*As of 12:30 last night, the host server of was down, hopefully by the time you all read this it will be working again.

Ha ha! I Was Right! It's Gonna Fail!

So I have said all along that Blu-ray isn't going to hold up because of Sony's hard-on for proprietary devices. Well that aside here is more evidence of it's lack of superiority in the market.

I can't wait for Sony to crawl back to Japan with their tails between their legs and put their Blu-ray on the shelf with the Betamax.

However this may be just a very poor job at transferring a film. But something tells me I'm right.

The Web This Blog

Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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