Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Top 5 Albums of All Time

This on is for you Danielle! She one the Guess the lyrics contest 2! She has earned a lot of respect. Cause that is all I have to give, and my eternal friendship. She requested to know my top 5 favorite albums of all time.

1 - Siamese Dream - Smashing Pumpkins
2 - Ænima - Tool
3 - O - Damien Rice
4 - ( ) - Sigùr Ròs
5 - Gravity - Our Lady Peace

There you have it. I encourage all of you to listen to these at least once. Tell me what you think of them.


3 Responses to “Top 5 Albums of All Time”

  1. # Blogger Kr5is

    I can't believe I let that last post go with so many typos. I spelled won as one. What the crap!  

  2. # Blogger gustavolk-swagen

    I love the first two you've mentioned and the 5th one is incredible, even though I don't have everything from it. I'm listening to Our Lady Peace right now on Rhapsody, though.

    I think I'll give you a call later today. Maybe we can get together and chill with some good people.

    Thanks for the music recommendations!  

  3. # Blogger Aubstar

    I don't think I'll take you up on listening to tool, but I second the rest of them immensely. Anything from OLP is good. They can't do bad, in my book. Damien Rice is required listening if you ask me. Nothing like mellow guitar-centric stuff playing in the background while you work.

    As always, you have excellent taste in music.  

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