Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Oh Cool, A Visual-Aid!

Today was sort of a long one at work. I didn't get much sleep last night since cody got in. I met a few more people last night, and yes one was a girl. I didn't get her number this time, but I will be seeing her a lot this weekend. I finally got to bed at 2:30 then got up at 7 to get to work at 8. I got to work and found that I had to drive to Boulder again, and I was already running late. Boulder is cool. Colorado University is there, and it is a real neat town, but it is under a lot of construction now, which makes it tough to get through town. Especially when you aren't familiar with it. I had two appointments, the first one was the usual stuff, "My mouse doesn't work" or "Does my printer have to be on to print?" I laughed when I got in my truck. The second office is one I have already visited, but they are still a pain. They have an IT guy that locked us out of their server, but fortunately for my I am sneaky and know how to remote desktop to the server to a User that we managed to sneak in there. The guy is douche bag anyway, and really should leave that sort off stuff to people that understand Windows. I had to install a program that took 20 min on each machine. I was there for 3 hours. Good times. But no complaints, just usual stuff. Tomorrow I drive to Aspen at 6:00 AM. I have to be there at 10. For those of you who don't know where Aspen is or Denver for that matter here is a map!:

I stole this map from MapQuest which is cool, but I can't take the road that is highlighted. That would be a mountain pass and it is closed till May. I have to go to Glenwood Springs which is covered by the I-70 sign that I highlighted in Yellow. So yeah, my Friday looks long too. But the weekend is around the corner. Whatev, I'm looking forward to some think time with me and Brand New, and Thrice, and Veda, and pretty much everyone on my iPod.

2 Responses to “Oh Cool, A Visual-Aid!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I like the "You Are Here". That's funny. I have this vision of myself in my empty house... my TV displaying images overnight as I sleep.

    Sounds like work is going well for you. It probably beats the hell out of phone support.  

  2. # Blogger Gubi

    Brandon, I just cannot see you doing anything in your spare time except for listening to KSL radio, but then again sleeping with the TV on is a close second.

    Kris, totally dig the visual aid, it really helps to know where I am at. Seriously! Glad to hear that things are going good for you out there. TTYL  

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