Kr5istofer's Thoughts

Okay Audience Participation Time

**I bumped this post again because I wasn't satisfied with the response I got. So get off your lazy asses and TELL ME YOUR SONG MOMENT! **

So I want my readers to pick a song that they have a memory for and then tell the rest of us about it. I think it will be fun, it could be a funny story, or a serious moment, or one of the worst moments of your life. I hope I can tell you what I felt and thought and have you understand it from where I was. The song I pick is a song that may be hard for a few of you. Considering it is one of the greatest regret filled song ever. I have a few regrets, and I think you may understand one after reading this.

It was around the end of November or the beginning of December in 2004, I don't really remember but that is irrelevant. I had moved into a house on 8th north in Orem with 6 other guys, I had my own room which was lucky considering there were 3 1/2 bedrooms in the house. But I didn't like spending time there, probably because I had just got out of a bad relationship and I was feeling very alone. All my roommates were dating or planning on getting engaged. It was awkward to bring people over because Bryan slept on the couch in the front room and whenever he got home he would be rude. Jenna and I had been starting to hang out a lot more now that I was single and she was really single. Danielle was working at Sears in the Provo Town Center for the holiday season and didn't have a car. So Jenna picked her up a lot, one night she asked me to go with her, and I did. It was raining in Utah county that night. We drove down there and listened to some music on the way. She had a CD in that she had been listening to for a while, I think Ben Folds' the Luckiest was on it and a Blues Traveler song or two were on it too. We got to Sears and started to wait. We ended up having to wait for a while till Danielle could come out. So we fogged up the car in a very cool way, but not the way you all think. We talked... and sang songs... and discussed my band... and her music... After the windows were foggy we drew our names in the fog on her sunroof. We made all sorts of fun designs. At some point in the night the song Raining in Baltimore from Counting Crows came on. I about cried. That song has always had a huge impact on me, but not in a depressing way. It was perfect for the moment. There was a spirit in the air in that parking lot that night, and all the variables were right to make a memory. I think that is one thing that fueled the awesome friendship that she and I have. I didn't know it then but, that would be the last time I ever heard that song in her company again. She wouldn't want to listen to it any time I started to play it. I'm sure there is a memory there that she would like to not bring up, especially since she lived in Baltimore at one point, but that was never made clear to me. But I created a memory with it, and whenever I hear that song I remember that night. One of the greatest nights of my life, and nothing huge happened, just an awesome conversation and memory with my best friend. The writing on her window managed to stay there for a whole year till it was washed off during our trip to Colorado last November. But sometimes the streaks catch the light just right and you can see part of a Kris and a Jenna written on the window. Listen to the song and put yourself in my shoes, and tell me if you think I'm crazy.

It's your turn to share.


I want a Senate that isn't pro choice and anti-war, but also doesn't side with corporations and the wealthy.

I haven't really understood the seriousness of the Net Neutrality issue that the Senate has been debating. I finally took a look at it and I was sad to see what is happening. If you don't know what it is I'll try and make it clear.

Net Neutrality prevents service providers and network owners from blocking web pages, services, and connection to other networks. If Net Neutrality is removed then Service Providers will be able to limit the ability to connect to other networks or some web pages. This has already happened in the history of the internet and is wrong.

I visited the web page today. There is a link to show you which senators want to keep the internet the way it is, and who wants to remove net neutrality. A lot are undecided, however all but 1 who want to keep Net Neutrality are Democrat. I have voted Republican for most of my voting life because I think they do a better job at keeping the military strong and our borders safe, but I don't want to give a little take a little anymore. The internet is just fine the way it is, abortion is murder, corporations should be taxed more, oil companies need to be regulated or audited, War is a good thing, government officials need a pay cut, and everyone needs to wake up and realize that Americans live in a shell and are afraid to be offended and greedy. There are too many activists now, and not enough people actually doing something. I'm going to stop now...

200th Postacular!

So if I had been writing every day I would have reached this lofty goal a while ago, but I don't like writing about my personal life every day. Also I don't seem to stumble over something interesting every day too.

I will be going to Utah on the 10th and leaving the 14th. I hope to see most of my Utah readers, maybe a party and a late night Wal-mart chill are in order. I'm sorry, Spin, that I'll miss you, but have fun in San Diego.

I bought a new CD the other day, and I didn't like it. That is until I got to track 5. Underoath's new album Define the Great Line is cool. The first few track are the usual from the band, they all sounded the same to me, but then track 5, Salmarnir, was pretty much an instrumental and then goes right into track 6, Returning Empty Handed, without stopping. Sort of reminded me of Intro & Point #1 from Chevelle a few years back. It is all awesome from there. Some really cool tracks on this CD. If you're into the Metal/Punk I think you might like this album. But don't take my word for it!

All is good here at camp Harrison in Colorado, noting real interesting to report on. I have come a long way since post #1 at the beginning of the blog-o-Kr5is. It's fun to go back and read those first two months. I recommend it for a good laugh.

Thanks for sticking with me everyone.

So I thought about...

So I thought about getting a tattoo last night. I didn't because I can't really think of something I want that is permanent or as cool as Spins C:\>_ tattoo. But I was in a tattoo parlor last night, but not for me. I had dinner with Dave and his wife and Miranda, and afterwards Miranda asked me if I thought she should pierce her belly button again. Of course I said heck yes! I love navel piercings I think they are so cute. So I'm getting ready to help Dave install Vista on his computer when Miranda comes and asks me what I'm doing. She had a look on her face like she was ready to be mischievous, which is always fun to see on a friends face. She said we were going somewhere and it was a surprise. We went to Jason's house and then drove up to Denver. We went to a tattoo parlor on Colfax which is like 4th South in Salt Lake, everything is on that road. On the way we passed the Fillmore where Muse was playing, I cried for a moment then got excited to go into the parlor. Inside there were lots of pictures of tattoos and stuff. I have always thought tattoos were cool, but not for me. I told some friends once that if I'm ever a rockstar I would have my arms tattooed and do sleeves. I decided I need to find a different stage in life where I would get a tattoo, but I still don't know what I would get. What would you get oh awesome and for the most part silent readers? Feel free to post a pictuer if you do have a tattoo, and let's keep it PG-13. So that means Chris can't post his tattoo's.

Mirnda got the piercing done and then we talked at Jason's house till 3:30 AM and now I'm at work, good times but I will always remember the trip to the tattoo place on Colfax.

The Geek in Me

I found this today.

So they have announced that they will in fact be making a new Star Trek movie. I was watching Syriana today and while watching the movie I decided to go to and read up on people in the movie. I clicked on Matt Damon's name and something caught my eye. He is cast in the new Trek movie as none other than Captain James T. Kirk. Obviously a younger version and as it turns out William Shatner approved the choice in casting. I can't wait for this movie. I have renewed my interest in the Star Trek universe recently by watching the entire series of Enterprise starring Scott Bakula who is also soon to star in a movie version of Quantum Leap. I'll let you all discuss what Quantum Leap is and if you don't know I recommend you refresh your knowledge of early 90's pop culture, or ask your parents. Also (i'm beginning to feel like a promoter now) William Shatner is this years target for the Comedy Central Roast. It will be sometime in August, but I can't wait for the T.J. Hooker jokes and a speech from Spock!


Okay so I haven't Posted anything of worth for about 2 weeks. I really haven't had anything to write about. I'm not really feeling anything lately. A lot of cool things have happened, but I don't feel anything. I'm just sort of like, Meh...

So I'll give you a list of a few things that have happened. I have been talking to my bishop and going to church regularly. He said that I should be able to take the sacrament soon, I just have to have good church attendance and the other usuals (pray, read, etc). We'll see where it goes. I have made a new friend named Jason who is cool. He is a photographer, and his wife just divorced him. Lame! So we have been hanging out and watching movies. His photography will be on display at a gallery here in town next month. I think I'll buy a photo and hang it in the apartment. However I need to work on that non homosexual image. I think some people are seriously wondering. This last weekend my brother and sister, Zach and Aubrey, flew out here and stayed with me for a few days. On Friday I had my cousins over for a Halo party, we played till 12AM, which was an early stop for a Halo gathering. We played some fun games like 4 way CTF Sniper. That game went forever. Or 4 way SWAT Neutral Flag. The games were long! The next day like 10 people went to Six Flags, and it just happened to be the hottest day of the year in Denver. 102 degrees and 15% humidity. It was hot, and sweaty, but we still had fun. I didn't feel sick on the Mind Eraser, but I still managed to yell so loud that I lost my voice. It would be a great rock star scream if I could ever reproduce it in a studio. That night Steve and McCall stayed at my house, they were on the way back to Utah from a trip to D.C. and NYC. It was so good to see them and be able to return the hospitality they always showed me. We did however have the worst Wendy's experience ever, and then I had another one today. No more Wendy's for me. The next day we went to a breakfast place in Denver and met Brian a friend that moved to Denver last fall. We chilled and then I had to go. But seeing them in my home town made my weekend. After that I took Aubrey and Zach to Pueblo to chill with my grandpa. He gave me a lamp for my bedroom so I don't have to try and get ready for bed with the light of my closet. I had a busy Monday and work week too. The cool thing is I got my company car, not truck, car. It's a Dodge Intrepid with AC, CD, leather seats, sunroof, 4dr, power everything and you can control the stereo with buttons on the back of the steering wheel. Pretty cool. Other then that, not much new. I think I mentioned my new computer if not it's a AMD 3700 64. 1GB of ram and a 160 GB SATA drive... oh and physics chip. But I don't play games, and a lot of it I'm sure is going to waste. However my totally wicked object dock is as smooth as can be. I setup my old computer as a media box and play movies off it now, and I put a Viper V card in it today in hopes to somehow make it work like a DVR. I need to find a program that will talk to that chipset and control the device. So yeah that's it. I don't feel like being to talkative about what I feel. I wrote a new song and I like it, and everyone should check out the new Killers song that they are playing on the radio. It's pretty good. Plus Muse is playing on Monday here and I want to go, but again nobody to take that appreciates it like I do.

Oh baby!

I can't wait till my 24x24 core processor becomes available.

It reminds me of when I got my first Gillette Mach 100 razor. Best shave I ever had.

Clean Flix Part Two

Here is a link to a lot of cool comments from Slashdot readers on the subject of movie censoring or editing.

Thanks to Matt for the link.

The Flags of Dawn

So I put a new song up on the blog. Please take a listen to it, the song is called The Flags of Dawn by Thrice, which happens to be my favorite band right now. Sorry not Our Lady Peace or Smashing Pumpkins.

This song was a b-side and is not on the album Vheissu, but it is one of the best songs that they have ever done. It is debated what the song is actually about. I know that a lot of Thrice songs have biblical references, and this song seems to be a song about hope or the return of God, but that is what I took. I managed to find it today, and decided to share it with all my readers.

PLEASE tell me what you think of the song, or if you can hear it.


It should be to your left* right! ---------------------------->

this darkness would
eclipse our will
a cold wind blows
across these hills
a swinging gaze
from a hangman's tree
a crow's nest view
of what's left to see
the light that's formed
of saints return the silence to the snow
still beneath the craters waiting
for this time to grow

so hold on
hold tight
open daylight
we will overcome

so put away your fear
the morning star will soon appear
and bring an end
to this dark night
and we must run if we're to meet the light
watered by the blood of martyrs
blessed and blind as sons and daughters
sleep with one eye open
and live with both eyes shut
so let's find the place where sight begins
and see the things that we saw when our
eyes were bright and wet against the light

and hold on
hold tight
open daylight
we will overcome

open your eyes
over the new sight
fly the flags of dawn

*Thanks Martin

Ha ha!

So I told the computer what color my underwear is, and it then told me what kind of rejected crayon color I am. Gross!

You are

Interesting Stuff...

So on Friday I had to drive to Glenwood Springs again, which is my least favorite office to visit. Not because they are mean by any means, but because it's so far away! But I got a lot of music listening in which is something that I don't get to do enough of. Most of you thing I must be crazy due to that statement. I found the song I'm going to play for my family reunion this year. Stare At The Sun from ... You guessed it... Thrice. It will be a hit trust me. The reunion is at the end of august in Grand Junction. I wish it was in Utah or here in Parker like they used to be. We usually go to a cabin up in the mountains where there is no internet or phone service. I am a 21st Century Digital Boy, and I need to have my modern amenities or someone might get hurt. I think my Verizon phone from work might actually have service and I can then use it as a modem. We'll see how that will work, but I'm betting I'll get up there and find that there is no service for even Verizon. So I plan to bring my tablet and my hard drive which is now FULL of movies that Dave and I have ripped.

I formatted my tablet this weekend. It is working so much better, no spyware pop ups, and no slow starting. I think I won't be searching for crack codes on this computer again. Maybe I'll do it on my Linux partition on my other computer and see how the spyware and viruses affect that.

I have been feeling sick the last few days too. I woke up on Friday and my throat was swollen and my head hurt. I have had that every day now since then. I met with my bishop on Sunday, and he is a cool guy. He has been in touch with my old bishops to get the scoop on me. He said that I should be out of my probation, which I have been in since February of 2003, should be close to done. I don't have any big problems like I used to, and I have been 100% attendance for a month. I can keep it up I know. So hopefully I can be cleared to be in good standing again, and then I can have something that I am in control of.

In other news I'm about to be a little political so please pay close attention.

Clean Flix has to shut down!!!! I'm thrilled about this. Here is an article about the decision. For those that don't know what Clean Flix is I'll explain. This is a company that would purchase movies, and then go through and pull the content out that is questionable. After that they would rent the films out to people that normally wouldn't watch them due to content. They thought they were okay on the copyright laws because they purchased it and then it was theirs to do whatever they wanted. But they were wrong. Don't get me wrong the idea of trying to bring these movies to a more conservative audience is a good one, but that is what Hollywood needs to do, not a bunch of conservative do-gooders. I don't think movies should have this sort of content anyway, but the facts are that it is going to happen, and regardless of what is in the film, it is not your creation. You have no right to change or alter it. I hope Hollywood does take an approach that these things aren't entirely desired in movies, but I doubt they will. Truth be known I have never been offended by a Steven Spielberg film, and some of them do have very harsh images and scenes. Those films happen to be docu-draumas though, you know the kind based on real events. I saw an edited version of Saving Private Ryan once at the SCERA theater at an outdoor screening. This version sucked. There was no real portrayal of what happened to these men. I doubt Schindlers List would be as powerful if it was cleaned up for the family. The intention of the movie would be lost. Munich would be a complete failure if the attempt was made to edit. This movie is based on a group of Israeli Jews taking revenge on the people that arranged the Munich massacre. The whole plot is murder, and killing which is historically accurate. I think I'm losing sight of my point. That is don't censor someone else's creation. You can protest and talk about it, but don't cut the junk on Michelangelo's David.

Some pictures and other stuff

So this is a picture I took outside my apartment complex the other day. It has been raining a lot and I love it when it's cloudy. I always have, and not it's not because I'm emo, cause I'm not.

I'm not sure why I like stuff like that.

Things are good, and I had a good day yesterday. It was busy, but I got to go meet with my therapist. I don't know why I want to see one because I write better music when I feel the way I do lately. However I can see where my priorities have been and where they should be. I'm very self critical, and I don't know where that comes from. I hope to find it soon. The therapist I'm going to is an LDS Social worker really. I wanted to find an actual LDS therapist so they would understand the crap I go through because of what I feel is expected of a man my age. They have me fill out a questionnaire about how I feel in situations. They then score it, she said that I usually have a score of 92, and that is high considering they usually treat people with a score of 70. I have a serious question for my readers based on that. I assume all of you know me and have some sort of respect for me and appreciation for me, have you noticed that I'm unhappy or depressed for a while now? How long have you noticed it? This is a great time for all the lurkers who just read and leave to actually comment. I go through ups and downs, and I think this meeting with my counselor is really helping. I would like to know what you all have noticed about me. Blog aside, I mean actual interaction.

I have been loosing a lot of weight. I drink less soda and more water. I'm not sitting at a desk for work too. Actually I still weigh about the same, but it's all going to the right places not to my gut. My cousin took this pic.

Things are changing and I'm excited actually to see where I can take it. I don't feel so helpless, even though my truck's key wont turn off, and I don't have any money or food. I feel good. Sort of like Kevin Spacey did at the end of American Beauty, only I hope I don't die after writing this. Oh by the way, the new Superman movie kicks ass! I saw it last night with my cousins. Kevin Spacey is by far the best Lex Luthor ever, and Brian Singer managed to do a good job. If only Fox had waited a year to release X-Men so he could direct it. Maybe then the movie would have been better. I still say that Batman Begins is the best Super Hero movie of all time. But that is just me.

Check this out.

So I taped this at the soccer game last night. It's a soccer game of mascots from Colorado colleges and teams against mascots from around the west. I'll post more about yesterday, which totally rocked, later.

I know a lot of you can't use YouTube at work, so here a direct link to the file.


Weekend update....

Well my weekend is half over. I enjoy having 4 day weekends especially when I'm paid for 2 days. On Friday I worked all over the place, but it was worth it knowing that I had a long weekend ahead. On Saturday I went to the Denver Zoo with a bunch of people. I haven't been there since I was a kid. It still had all the exhibits that I loved. The polar bear exhibit is awesome because you can watch them like you normally do but then you can do down some stairs and see them through some glass swimming in the water. There were a lot of cool new things there too, sadly no Liger. (Sorry Mat) I took some video footage of Dave trying to rap a song about the zoo. Something like G-O-T-O The Denver Z-O-O it was cool. I had fun, I wish some of you were there too.

I couldn't help but remember when I went to the Zoo in Utah. I went with Keeli, Lee (Dentrix Support's SHPR Dude), Bryan Inks, Debbie, Stacy, and Kevin, (Flash as I call him, and BattleCat on the blogosphere). Flash had broken his back in an incident at the theater we worked at, but he was recovering well, all while wearing this awesome man-corset. We were on the way there at an intersection in SLC on 4th South, and we happened to be the first car at the stop light. I had been yelling "We're going to the zoo!" all day. So when we stopped, Flash, corset and all, opened his door, the rear drivers side door, and began to run around the car yelling, "We're going to the zoo!" Flash had began running around the car counter clockwise, and right when he was making his way up the passenger side Bryan thought it would be a good idea to do it too. However Bryan didn't know where Flash was, and when he opened his door Flash, broken back and all, slammed full speed into the door. Somehow he ended up face down on the hood of the car. He stood up and continued to painfully say "we're going to the zoo" as he now limped around the car. Everyone was laughing that he continued to say that. The cars around us were laughing too, and the guy in the car next to us was laughing so hard he was was crying . Flash was okay, no need to worry, but this story has been one of my favorites to tell about one of my awesome friends. Man he and I had some good times.

Anyway back to my weekend... On Sunday I wasn't feeling too spiritual, so I didn't go to church, but I did play Halo, which is spiritual enough. I did laundry, and sort of straightened up the place. I invited the people I hang out with over to watch R.E.N.T. on Pay Per View. I haven't seen that movie, not because of not wanting to, mostly because I haven't really gone to movies that much in the last year. I think I can count them all on one hand. I highly recommend this film. I saw the national tour of it in 2000 or 2001 sometime. It was amazing on stage, but even better on film. Christopher Columbus couldn't use a John Williams score which was good, and it didn't seem like his usual childish crap he does. I liked the first two Harry Potter films, but I hated his direction style. Most of the characters in the movie are played by the original Broadway cast members, and they looked so comfortable in the roles. WATCH IT! Everyone left except Miranda, and we watched Not Another Teen Movie un-cut on Comedy Central till we fell asleep. It was a good couple of days. I will post pictures and a video as soon as I get my camera back from Dave's house. I'm going to Six Flags and a Soccer game tomorrow. I'm excited so scream and cry like a girl when I go on that one ride that drops you from the top of the tower. Apparently that is what I do.


I'm gay for Jesus.

It's a long story, but I heard a friend say this tonight.

Are you gay for Jesus?

The Web This Blog

Music Pick

  • Spill Canvas
  • One Fell Swoop - 08.09.2005
  • So these songs were pretty good. I have always respected the opinions of my friends when it comes to new music, and again I was not let down when I was told to listen to this band. I don’t think you will be either.

Song of The Moment

  • Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion

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